v1.0.0 (05/10/2018)
Support use case when not using minishift #35
add support for setting # of cpus #34
fixing some issues from ansible-lint in setup_pipelines.yml #31
Add ability to use ansible variables in s2i templates #32
Change to use oc and minishift binaries full path #30
Correct memory parameter name #29
[bug ][enhancement ] support for running tests on centos 7 [v2] #28
Updated README and changing options #26
Setup pipelines through OpenShift buildconfig templates #25
[enhancement ] Some improvements in the test automation [v2] #22
Update README and fix pipeline template destination #24
Setup sample_os_templates and sample_pipelines #23
[enhancement ] Improved the test automation #19
Add http.sslVerify false for git and fix loading templates #18
Change to compare filename to scc name #17
Update README #16
contra-env-setup stability #15
fixed warning about deprecated 'include' #5
Updated README with a better heading #3
Added logo #2
Initial commit to setup the repo #1
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