This repo provides functions to read/write a video and draw keypoints.
** Defult BGR **
git clone
cd video_toolkits
python install
from video_toolkits import VideoReader, VideoReaderCV2
video_path = 'path to video'
reader = VideoReader(video_path) # VideoReader - pyav, only support video file/stream
# reader = VideoReader(0) # webcam 0 VideoReaderCV2 support
for img in reader:
from video_toolkits import VideoWriter
img_seqs = []
out_path = '{VIDEO_NAME}.mp4' # currently support .mp4/.avi
succeed = VideoWriter.imgseq2video(img_seqs, out_path, fps=30)
from video_toolkits import flv2mp4
input_vid = "{INPUT_FOLDER}/{VID_NAME}.flv"
output_folder = "{OUTPUT_FOLDER}" # if output_folder == '', will use {INPUT_FOLDER}
succeed = flv2mp4(input_vid, out_folder=output_folder)
from video_toolkits import display, draw_sklts, put_text, draw_bbox
img = None
kpts = [] # default (22, 4)
text = ""
bbox = []
display(img) # plot image with matplotlib.pyplot
img = draw_sklts(img, kpts, color=None, sklts=None) # draw skeletons
img = put_text(img, text) # put text
img = draw_bbox(img, bbox)
from video_toolkits import trim_video, push_rtmp
input_video_path = ""
output_video_path = ""
start_at = 60 # trim video start at 60 second
duration = 60 # or end_at = 120
# if both end_at and duration is not given, will trim the video till the end
trim_video(input_video_path, output_video_path, duration=duration)
rtmp_play_url = "rtmp://{host}/live/{stream_name}"
push_rtmp(input_video_path, rtmp_play_url, loop=False)
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, use, compile this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.