A clock for your programming desk.
- Breadboard
- Raspberry pi pico with micropython installed
- 4xFemale to male jumper wires
- 2xMale to male jumper wires
- An i2c lcd screen (https://www.amazon.com/HiLetgo-HD44780-I2C1602-Interface-Backlight/dp/B07W5KC65S?tag=georiot-us-default-20&ascsubtag=tomshardware-us-1175317091022762200-20&geniuslink=true)
- Put the pico on thee breadboard
- Route the 3v3 out pin to the posistive rail of the breadboard.
- Route the GND pin to the negaive rail of the breadboard.
- Route the VCC pin of the lcd to the positive rail of the breadboard.
- Route the GND pin of the lcd to the negative rail of the breadboard.
- Route the SDA pin of the lcd to the pico's GPIO 1 pin.
- Route the SCL pin of the lcd to the pico's GPIO 2 pin.
- Turn the dial on the back of the lcd all thee way left.
- upload these scripts to your pico using Thonny (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dhylands/python_lcd/master/lcd/lcd_api.py) (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/T-622/RPI-PICO-I2C-LCD/main/pico_i2c_lcd.py)
- Upload clock.py from this repository.
Open Thonny and connect to the pico. Load clock.py and run it. It should start showing the current time on the lcd.