RecipeShare is a web app for people to exchange recipes. Each user can create their own profile / cookbook by posting their own recipes, saving recipes they like, and view & rate other users’ recipes.
Users can log in to the application via email and password. Default username is: [email protected]; Password: 3333
he dashboard displays a list of recipes, which can be filtered by category and minimum rating. Users can also choose to save and rate each recipe
Users can add new recipes to the platform via a pop-up form.
users can view and manage their own collection of saved recipes
users can log out of the application (lol). It then redirects the user to the log in page.
Backend: FastAPI (in Python) Frontend: React.js Database: MongoDB
In the frontend directory, run:
In the backend directory, run:
When running the backend, please incldue a .env file that contains two variables - MONGO_ATLAS_URL