You might need to run xhost +local:root
on the host machine to allow the Docker container to access the X11 server.
# change dir to this repository
cd deepRacerSim
# Build docker image with
docker build -f deepRacerSim.Dockerfile -t deep-simulator .
- Windows users
- You will need to be on Windows 11 Build 22000 or later.
- Install driver for vGPU to run Linux GUI apps
- Install WSL2. Open
Microsoft Store
and install Ubuntu 20.04. - Run Ubuntu 20.04
- Install ROS1 Noetic
- Get this repository
# Install Git and Python3 if not installed
apt-get update && apt-get install -y git python3-pip
# Download this repository
git clone
# Change working directory, replace with appropriate path
cd /path/to/deepRacerSim/deep_ws
# Source ROS1 if it is not in ~/.bashrc
# or just add it to ~/.bashrc with
# echo "source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
# Install package dependencies
rosdep fix-permissions
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro noetic
# Build packages
catkin_make -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3
# export path variables for Gazebo, replace with appropriate path
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:/path/to/deepRacerSim/deep_ws/src/simulation/tracks/
export GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH=$GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH:/path/to/deepRacerSim/deep_ws/src/simulation/
# also add it to ~/.bashrc not to export it all the time
echo "export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:/path/to/deepRacerSim/deep_ws/src/simulation/tracks/" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH=$GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH:/path/to/deepRacerSim/deep_ws/src/simulation/" >> ~/.bashrc
cd /path/to/deepRacerSim/deep_ws
# ---- if with Docker ----
# launch a Docker container
# ---- else ----
source devel/setup.bash
# export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH and GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH from installation if they are not in ~/.bashrc
# ---- endif ----
# launch simulation
# there will be 1-2 gazebo model errors - it is ok,
# Gazebo just doesn't like .git files and stacked folders
roslaunch simulation simulation.launch
# in another terminal
cd /path/to/deepRacerSim/deep_ws
# ---- if with Docker ----
# launch a Docker container
# ---- else ----
source devel/setup.bash
# ---- endif ----
# launch keyboard teleoperation
roslaunch teleop_ackermann key_teleop.launch
# or launch joy teleoperation
roslaunch teleop_ackermann joy_teleop.launch
The car camera images are being published to the /camera/zed/rgb/image_rect_color
You can view the camera feed by using the rqt_image_view
, just run:
$ rqt_image_view
A GUI will appear, and you can select the /camera/zed/rgb/image_rect_color
topic from the dropdown menu to view the camera feed.
Alternatively, you can use image_view
with the following command:
$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/zed/rgb/image_rect_color
This will open a window displaying the live feed from the camera attached to your ROS agent in the Gazebo simulation.