A mobile app for reporting street harassment by geolocation.
For the vast majority of women, public spaces aren’t necessarily safe. Over 99% of American have been a victim of street harassment. Beyond being unpleasant, street harassment runs the risk of escalating into something more aggressive and dangerous. What if there was a way to avoid it?
CatCallOut is a civic tech initiative to make our streets safer. We are a team of three developers, committed to building a mobile app that aggregates data about incidents of street harassment, and displays this data on a map. This way, everyone can see street harassment danger zones - and plan routes to avoid these areas.
CatCallOut is built on a decoupled architecture featuring:
- Rails API backend
- React Native frontend
Rails API backend features
- Stores and persists user-generated reports
- Parses and passes JSON to the frontend
React Native frontend features
- Allows user to call out street harassment
- Shows all past reports of street harassment on the map
- Manages routing and state via React Native Router Flux
- See street harassment geolocated on the map
- Search for street harassment reports by location
- Call out street harassment by noting location, date, time, and relation to the incident
- See your call out rendered alongside other reports
- Provide more details about what happened
- Confirm details of report and edit call outs before submit
CatCallOut started as a hackathon project in September 2017. Team members include:
Dillon Arevalo | @DillonBArevalo
Ginny Fahs | @ginnyfahs
Josh Leichtung | @joshleichtung