resume is a continuous integration pipeline for my public facing resume.
Available at:
html/resume.html contains the static html source code for my resume
src/nginx.conf contains the NGINX configuration which presents the static html
Dockerfile specifies an NGINX docker image which is populated with the static html and NGINX configuration
chart contains a simple set of templates which are used when deploying the NGINX docker image to Kubernetes
env contains Helm value files for each deployment environment
.gitlab-ci.yml specifies the continuous integration pipeline stages
cs-hosts is a CI pipeline for configuring my internal DNS TLD .cs. The hostnames used by K8S Ingresses, specified in env/${env}/values.yaml should be defined in that project.
The production configuration of this project is available externally at, this DNS record is maintained in AWS Route 53.
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- Carston Schilds [email protected]