A rofi-like menu for playing lofi radio stations on MacOS.
- choose-gui (rofi/dmenu style menu for MacOS)
- mpv
- terminal-notifier
Download the dependencies with Homebrew.
If you don't have Homebrew installed, it can quickly be set up by running the following command in your terminal:
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
Once homebrew is installed you can add the relevant packages:
$ brew install choose-gui mpv terminal-notifier
Now clone this repository and give the script executable permissions:
$ git clone https://github.com/Carbon-Bl4ck/Rofi-Beats
$ cd Rofi-Beats
$ chmod +x rofi-beats
Now the script is ready to use!
The linux version of this script is pretty much identical, replacing terminal-notifier
with notify-send
, and choose-gui
with the aponymous rofi
To install notify-send
and rofi
enter the following:
For Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt install rofi notify-osd mpv
For Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S rofi notify-osd mpv
Per the MacOS install clone this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/Carbon-Bl4ck/Rofi-Beats
$ cd Rofi-Beats
Now remove the rofi-beats
script and rename rofi-beats-linux
$ rm rofi-beats
$ mv rofi-beats-linux rofi-beats
$ chmod +x rofi-beats
Now test out the script:
$ ./rofi-beats
The script toggles the radio on and off depending on it's current state.
The script first checks to see if an instance of the radio is already playing.
If it finds the script is already playing music it kills the music. If the radio is not already playing it will launch the list of stations you can choose from.
You can add options in the ARGS
variable in the script to specify those options for running mpv. The default of --volume=60
is already added.
- I'd highly recommend linking this script to a keybinding, using a tool such as skhd or sxhkd on linux.
- The menu highlight color can be customized by changing the hex value in the
command preceded by the -b argument (default is set to 'ff79c6'). - The menu width can be changed my modifying the value after the -w tag of the
command. terminal-notifier
may need to be given permission to use notifications