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A Single-Page Application proxy-service module to provide Whydah Application Sessions for SPA clients


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GitHub tag (latest SemVer) Build Status GitHub commit activity Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Known Vulnerabilities

The SPAProxyService is an optional Whydah module to support Whydah application sessions for Single-Page Applications (SPAs). This module is the backend/API support module for the Whydah SPA JavaScript NPM Library.

Example for /proxy/health

  "Status": "OK",
  "Version": "0.2.8-SNAPSHOT [Whydah-SPAProxyService -  fe80:0:0:0:cfc:f5ff:fedd:1770%eth0  0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%lo]",
  "STS": "",
  "UAS": "",
  "hasApplicationToken": "true",
  "hasValidApplicationToken": "true",
  "hasApplicationsMetadata": "true",
  "ConfiguredApplications": "14",
  "now": "2018-03-12T12:14:55.535Z",
  "running since": "2018-03-12T12:06:03.327Z",

  "applicationSessionStatistics": {
        "Whydah-SSOLoginWebApp" : 2 


  1. use the ../load/{myapp} redirect flow
    • Looks for SSO session
    • Create 302-redirect with two secrets
      • secret 1 is the code=xxx param on the redirect-URI on the Location URL in the 302 response
      • secret 2 is in an embedded cookie in the 302-request
  2. (Optional) if you are unable to get/process the cookie
    • do a js XREF request to ../load/{myapp}/ping
      • this will pick up the cookie, and return it in a json response
  3. to get the secret (initial application ticket) fo a secret1 XOR secret2
  4. if the user is recognized, use the ticket from the 302-request and call /{secret}/get_token_from_ticket/{ticket}
    • You will get a JWT token back with the user roles for your application
  5. to log inn from username/password in your SPA, call /{secret}/authenticate_user/
    • You will get a JWT token back with the user roles for your application

To make {myapp} with, it has to be configured in the system, with a redirect URI pointing to your SPA application.

Example for POST /api/{secret}/authenticate_user/ Json user credentials

  "username": "myUserName",
  "password": "myPassword"

Example for POST /get_token_from_ticket/{ticket} return JWT token

~~~~~~~~~ JWT Header ~~~~~~~
JWT Header : {"alg":"RS256"}
~~~~~~~~~ JWT Body ~~~~~~~
JWT Body : {"sub":"useradmin","jti":"8bdf8ad8-b7af-4561-93be-58d420c3ea54","iss":"","aud":"","iat":1521489954,"userticket":"27eefeff-606d-4e58-9177-63373f36e6d4","exp":1521509954}

Generic HTTP Proxy support

There might be cases where you wish to expose endpoints belonging to other applications through SPAProxy.

The following endpoints are used to proxy requests based on a ProxySpecification:

  • ../generic/{secret}/{userTokenId/{proxySpecificationName}
  • ../generic/{secret}/{proxySpecificationName}

The first endpoint expects a usedTokenId in the path, while the second expects a valid JWT Bearer token in the Authorization header.

Currently only GET requests are supported, while POST support is planned.

Example configuration get-sts-validate.json:

  "command_url": "#securitytokenservice#applicationTokenId/validate",
  "command_contenttype": "application/json",
  "command_http_authstring": "",
  "command_http_post": false,
  "command_timeout_milliseconds": 2000,
  "command_template": "",
  "command_replacement_map": {},
  "command_response_map": {}

The proxySpecificationName is derived from the file-name pattern: {HTTPVerb}-{proxySpecificationName}.json.

In the example above clients may call: GET ../generic/{secret}/{userTokenId/sts-validate. SPAProxy will replace call the url: #securitytokenservice#applicationTokenId/validate. #securitytokenservice is replaced by securitytokenservice from #applicationTokenId is replaced by the applicationTokenId corresponding to the clients {secret}. The example would execute a GET to STS with the clients applicationTokenId to the validate endpoint. The response from STS is proxied to the client.

In addition to the two replacement variables above, it is possible to use: #logonservice which will be replaced by logonservice from #userTokenId which will be replaced by the {userTokenId} provided by the client through path, or JWT.

SPAProxy will execute the GET in a Hystrix command. command_timeout_milliseconds determine the Hystrix command timeout.

By default SPAProxy will look for ProxySpecification files in the proxy-specifications/ directory. The location may be overridden by setting

Forwarding query params

The SPA Proxy will forwards query params that are whitelisted in UAWA for the application used. .e. set a tag called ALLOWEDQUERYPARAMS with a value that's the allowed query params, seperated by ;.


A Single-Page Application proxy-service module to provide Whydah Application Sessions for SPA clients







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