DataVisualization_WCoC Exploratory Data Analysis of 2015 Earthquake data in the United States
The following website was published during the March 2019 Data Visualization workshop organized by Prof.Laney Strange as a part of a series of Women's Community of Code workshops at the Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University. A combination of HTML, CSS, and Javascript was used to create an animated visualization of the 2015 US earthquakes data obtained from the US Geological Society. The canvas represents the magnitude and location of the earthquakes in a temporal fashion. Depending on the magnitude of the earthquakes, the size of the data points (larger points representing higher magnitudes and vice versa) and their color (In the order of increasing severity : white -> yellow -> orange -> red) also vary. The canvas at any time point shows only 20 data points to avoid clutter, however, a counter as seen in the bottom right corner keeps track of the total number of earthquakes represented so far