Micado, a Full Stack Software Engineer, thrives in South Florida's dynamic tech scene. His journey began with an insatiable curiosity for programming, leading him to master an impressive toolkit: from Javascript and React to React Native, CSS/HTML, MongoDB, and Azure, among other cutting-edge technologies. His prowess spans the entire spectrum of software development, seamlessly navigating front-end intricacies and architecting robust back-end systems to create intuitive, visually striking applications. Beyond the screen, Micado finds joy in the rhythms of life. Basketball courts become his playground, where the dynamics of teamwork echo the collaborative spirit he brings to coding. And when he's not crafting code, music becomes his muse, offering both creativity and respite. In his free time, Micado channels his passion into meaningful projects, aiming to build tools and platforms that resonate with and improve the lives of others, embodying the fusion of technical excellence and a deeply rooted desire to make a difference. In the vibrant tapestry of South Florida, Micado stands as a beacon of innovation and purpose, weaving together technology, passion, and a commitment to meaningful software engineering.
🔭 I’m currently working on ZBSPORTS
🌱 I’m currently learning Solidity,Generative AI, Go
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open Source Projects
💬 Ask me about React, JavaScript, React-native, Blockchain
📄 Know about my experiences https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_K5yKl8i6NwvP9ePqEkK9wwSiSU1LoS1xrm-_DFzCwM/edit?usp=sharing