Den (short for DEveNv (which is short for developer environment)) is a developer environment that you can develop code in, basically a mini IDE in the terminal.
Den is also a mini shell, and you can run its own commands, have your own username (and colors), + more!
Den uses a header file called Domptero, which is a modified version of of my project Promptero, and a submodule which is also my project, CppColors.
There are some shell scripts that you can use to install and uninstall DEN, there is also a update shell script that updates the scripts (not DEN itself) (more info on these scripts in the README file on their branch).
To download and use them, simply run...
git clone --branch denscripts --single-branch denscripts
cd denscripts
Upon running DEN, you will enter a prompt where you can enter Den's commands.
To see some basic info about Den or the version of Den, run the Info command, "info".
To get Den configured, run the Config command, "config".
To get started with Den, run the Filetools command, "filetools", so you can start creating and editing files in Den.
To exit Den, please run the End command, "end".
[Version)-----(v0.4.5/Alpha 4.5]
[Date Version was Released)-----(7/4/23]
[Date of Last Commit)-----(7/4/23]
[Version Being Developed)-----(v0.5/Alpha 5]