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Pre-R IMC Pipeline Documentation

1a. Preprocessing and setting up a conda environment

Anaconda is a program used to install packages needed for many steps of the pipeline to run. Follow the steps below to set up Anaconda and a conda environment:

Step 1: Install Anaconda
Step 2: Once Anaconda is installed, navigate to the relevant command line interface:

Windows macOS
1. Search for 'Anaconda Prompt' in the taskbar search
2. Select Anaconda Prompt
1. Use cmd + space to open Spotlight Search
2. Type 'Terminal' and press return to open

Step 3: Enter the following commands (make sure to run the lines one at a time):

git clone --recursive
cd ImcSegmentationPipeline
git clone --recursive
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate imcsegpipe
pip uninstall tifffile
pip install tifffile==2024.8.10
pip install jupyterlab

The imcsegpipe conda environment has now been set up! To begin on the first step of the pipeline, copy the following commands into the terminal to activate this new environment:

conda activate imcsegpipe
jupyter lab

This will automatically open a Jupyter instance at http://localhost:8888/lab in your browser. Upload the 1 IMCPreprocessing.ipynb file using the upload button:

From there, follow the instructions in the notebook file.

1b. Removing outliers from images

Open the ImageJ script 1.5 RemoveOutliers.ijm and change all required variables there before running it:

This script will use the Remove Outliers... function in ImageJ to remove any outlier pixels from each image channel. You can read more about the function here.

The modified images are saved to the same analysis/1c_full_images folder, and will simply replace the old images.

2. Generating images for Cellpose using ImageJ

Open the ImageJ script 2 ExtractForCellPose.ijm and change all required variables there before running it:

This script will generate image stacks containing 2 channels, 1 for the cell nuclei (in blue) and 1 for the rest of the cell body (in green). The cell body channel is generated by taking an 'Average Intensity' projection of all the channels labelled 1 in the 'Segment' column of panel.csv.

The full images are saved under analysis/2a_cellpose_full, and a random cropped area is also saved in analysis/2b_cropped_images to train your segmentation model with.

3a. Installing and opening Cellpose

Open Anaconda Prompt and run the following commands to install Cellpose:

conda create -n cellpose pytorch=1.8.2 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch-lts
conda activate cellpose
python -m pip install cellpose[gui]

To open Cellpose (both now and in the future), run the following commands:

conda activate cellpose
python -m cellpose

3b. Using the Cellpose GUI

Note: The steps below were written based on the Cellpose 3 GUI - newer versions may differ slightly

  1. Drag an image from the 2b_cropped_images folder into the GUI
  2. Click ModelsAdd custom torch model to GUI and select your custom model (in this case, the model used was titled IFMasksOnIMCModel_HumanColon_TN3_CD12_FT1)
  3. There are several settings available for you to change:
GUI Setting Description
diameter (pixels) Approximate diameter of each cell - you can manually enter this, or press calibrate to let the model estimate it (the size is represented by a disk at the bottom left of the view window)
chan to segment Colour channel containing the cell body - should be set to 2: green
chan2 (optional) Colour channel containing the cell nuclei - should be set to 3: blue
use GPU Whether to use the GPU - should be ticked if possible to speed up segmentation
additional settings You can read more about these settings (eg. flow threshold) here
  1. Select your custom model under the Other models pane and click the run button next to it to start the segmentation:

  1. After the model has finished running, you should see masks drawn around each of your segmented cells:

Note: you can toggle the coloured masks on and off by pressing X on your keyboard, and also the segmentation outlines by pressing Z.

If the model requires further tuning, then go to the section below on ‘Training a custom model’ - this will teach you how to build a model from scratch. Otherwise, if you are happy with the model's performance, skip straight to the 'Batch segmentation' section.

3c. Training a custom Cellpose model

To train a custom Cellpose model, follow the steps below. There is also a YouTube video here that also demonstrates the process.

  1. Drag an image from the 2b_cropped_images folder into the GUI
  2. Ensure that your GUI settings are all configured appropriately (eg. your cell diameter is set correctly) - see the table in the section 'Using the Cellpose GUI' above for help with this
  3. Under the Other models pane, click the dataset-specific models button to bring up a drop-down menu of built-in Cellpose models
  4. Test each of these models on your image by selecting them and pressing run (there is also the additional cyto3 model you can run by pressing run cyto3 next to the use GPU checkbox)

  1. Select the pre-trained model that worked best for your image and run it again
  2. Correct the segmentation results as you see fit by drawing new ROIs (right-click, draw and right-click again) and deleting incorrect ones (Ctrl + left-click) - remember to press Ctrl + S to save your changes
  3. Press Ctrl + T to open up the interface for training a new model:

  1. Set initial model to the pre-trained model you ran in Step 5, name your custom model and press OK (the default values for the other parameters should work well in most cases)
  2. The model will train and then auto-run on the next image in the folder
  3. Repeat Steps 6-9 until you are happy with the model's performance
  4. The trained model is saved in a new models sub-folder within your 2b_cropped_images folder, and will also appear in the GUI under the Other models pane (in the custom models drop-down menu)

Note: it is recommended you name your model in a systematic way to keep track of the settings you applied. Our model (IFMasksOnIMCModel_HumanColon_TN3_CD12_FT1) was named with special suffixes at the end to keep track of this information:

  • TN3: the initial model used was tissuenet_cp3
  • CD12: the cell diameter was set to 12 pixels
  • FT1: the flow threshold was set to 1

You are now ready to use the model for 'Batch segmentation' in the next section.

3d. Batch segmentation

Once you are happy with the model's performance, run the following commands in Anaconda Prompt:

conda activate cellpose
pip install jupyterlab
pip install chardet
pip install --upgrade charset-normalizer
pip install --upgrade requests jupyter
conda install -c anaconda numpy
conda install -c conda-forge scikit-image
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
jupyter lab

Once again, this will automatically open a Jupyter instance at http://localhost:8888/lab in your browser. Upload the 3 CellposeBatchSeg.ipynb file using the upload button and follow the instructions in the notebook file.

4. Generating compartment masks

For epithelial segmentation, open the ImageJ script 4 ExtractEpiMask.ijm and change all required variables there before running it:

Note: there are also some optional variables you can change too if you wish:

This script generates masks for epithelial areas in an image stack by:

  1. Extracting a user-specified channel
  2. Normalising it
  3. Applying a user-defined threshold
  4. Filtering out small particles
  5. Eroding the mask to remove residual attachments to the epithelium
  6. Dilating the mask

A delay is built into the macro to allow the user to visually check the results during processing and note down names of any 'trouble images' which require correction. All masks are saved to the existing analysis/3b_for_cellprofiler folder, with the suffix _full_EP at the end of the filename.

To correct any 'trouble images', follow the steps below:

  1. Open them and run Invert LUT from the task bar
  2. Use one of the selection tools to outline areas for removal
  3. Press the Backspace key to delete these areas, which will then become black (assigned a value of 0)
  4. Run Invert LUT again so the epithelium is black and the background is white (as shown below)
  5. Save the image under the same filename it was originally saved to

5. Installing and using CellProfiler

CellProfiler is a tool we will use to calculate marker intensities and other metrics for each segmented cell. Install it from here.

As part of the pipeline, we will be using some custom plugins for CellProfiler. Configure CellProfiler to use the plugins by following the steps below:

  1. Open the CellProfiler GUI
  2. Select FilePreferences...
  3. Scroll down and set CellProfiler plugins directory to path/to/ImcSegmentationPipeline/resources/ImcPluginsCP/plugins
  4. Restart CellProfiler

To use CellProfiler, open 5 MeasureMarkers.cpproj and follow the steps below:

  1. Drag and drop the analysis/3b_for_cellprofiler folder into the CellProfiler Images window:

  1. Select FilePreferences...
  2. Set Default Output Folder to analysis/5_cellprofiler_output and click Save
  3. Click the first MeasureMarkerIntensityMultichannel module on the left hand side of the screen (the FullStack box in Select images to measure should be ticked), and set the number of channels in your full image stack:

  1. Click the first ExportToSpreadsheet module on the left hand side of the screen, press the Press button to select measurements button, click cellIntensityMeanIntensity to open a series of drop-down menus, make sure the 3 boxes below are ALL ticked, and click OK:

  1. Click the Analyze Images button at the bottom of the screen and wait for CellProfiler to finish running

After CellProfiler has finished running, the following files will have been generated in the analysis/5_cellprofiler_output folder:

  • cell.csv: contains features (columns) for each cell (rows)
  • Experiment.csv: contains metadata related to the CellProfiler version used
  • Image.csv: contains image-level measurements (eg. channel intensities) and acquisition metadata
  • Object relationships.csv: contains neighbour information in form of an edge list between cells

Now, you are ready to proceed to the R part of the pipeline by opening 6 Analysis.Rmd!


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