Welcome to the F1tenth Opponent Vehicle Detection project wiki. This project was undertaken in the summer term of 2024 at CTU Prague for the project PVTY by a dedicated team to develop and implement methods for detecting opponent vehicles in an autonomous racing platform.
Clean and Build the Catkin Workspace:
catkin clean catkin build
Source the Setup File:
source devel/setup.bash
Launch the Teleoperation Node:
roslaunch racecar teleop.launch
Launch roscore:
Launch the camera from the scripts folder:
Launch main.py in the /src/detection folder:
- there could be a possibility that the main.py is not working properly, if that happens please use the
in the /src/detection/demos folder
python3 main.py
- there could be a possibility that the main.py is not working properly, if that happens please use the
- Camera ROS Package: Intel RealSense ROS
- Camera Datasheet: LIDAR Camera L515 Datasheet
Before running the script, set the following environment variable:
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libgomp.so.1
Please refer to the Wiki page for full information about the project, including detection methods, experimental results, and future work.