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Game of Life (GOL) Cellular Automata (CA)

RXanderR edited this page Oct 9, 2024 · 5 revisions

These systems involve solving for the snapshots of the spatiotemporal dynamics of a Game of Life CA [6,7].


Import the package by running import GameOfLife as GOL. The duration specifies the number of snapshots to be recorded. To view and save the animation as GIF, use GOL.animateGOL(soln, out='anim.gif'). This will save a local file 'anim.gif'. White cells are "Alive" and black cells indicate "Dead".

A) Random Initial State

Use GOL.solveGOL(system=0, L=, p=, duration=) to obtain the duration number of snapshots. The CA is set in a lattice size L and initialized with states from a uniform random distribution with state density "Alive":p and "Dead":1-p.

B) Still-Lifes

These are GOL patterns that does not change over time [6]. Specify system as the number to observe the following:
1: Block
2: Beehive
3: Loaf
4: Boat
5: Tub

C) Oscillators

These are GOL patterns that returns to the initial state after finite number of timesteps [6]. Specify system as the number to observe the following:
6: Blinker (period 2)
7: Toad (period 3)
8: Beacon (period 2)
9: Pulsar (period 3)
10: Pentadecathlon (period 15)

D) Creepers and Spaceships

These are GOL patterns that continuously creeps or glides across the lattice [6]. Specify system as the number to observe the following:
11: Glider
12: Lightweight spaceship (LWSS)
13: Middleweight spaceship (MWSS)
14: Heavyweight spaceship (HWSS)

E) Methuselahs

These are GOL patterns that takes long periods to stabilize to other patterns. [7]. Specify system as the number to observe the following:
15: R-pentomino (1103 timesteps)
16: Die Hard (130 timesteps)
17: Acorn (5206 timesteps)

Test Cases

Run to test the following:
A) Random initial state: soln=GOL.solveGOL(system=0, L=50, p=0.5, duration=30).
B) Glider : GOL.solveGOL(system=11, duration=30).


  1. Gardner, Martin. "Mathematical games-The fantastic combinations of John Conway’s new solitaire game, Life, 1970." Scientific American, October: 120-123.
  2. “Conway’s Game of Life.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Sept. 2024,