Releases: CS3219-AY2324S1/ay2324s1-course-assessment-g18
Assignment 3
Local Version
Software Required
Ensure that Docker is running on your machine.
Ensure that you are not on NUS wifi.
Ensure ports 4173, 3000, 4000, 4001, 4002, 5001, 6001, 15672 and 5672 are available on your machine.
Add the assignment 3 .env txt file into ./web-admin-dashboard directory
Navigate into the ay2324s1-course-assessment-g18
directory from the downloaded
cd ay2324s1-course-assessment-g18
cd ./question-service
docker build -t rgonslayer/peerprep-question:1.0 .
cd ../user-service
docker build -t rgonslayer/peerprep-user:1.1 .
cd ../auth-service
docker build -t rgonslayer/peerprep-auth:1.0 .
cd ../history-service
docker build -t adrielsoh/peerprep-history:1.0 .
cd ../chat-service
docker build -t adrielsoh/peerprep-chat:1.0 .
cd ../matching-service
docker build -t rgonslayer/peerprep-matching:1.0 .
cd ../web-admin-dashboard
npm install
npm run dev
In a new terminal
cd ..
docker compose up
Visit localhost:5173 and test with the following steps:
Log into admin account
email: admin
pw: 123
Question Operations
Add question
Open Question details
Edit question all fields
Delete same question added
Log Out
Log into user account:
email: b
pw: 123
Navigate to admin dashboard:
Question Operations
Add question -Error thrown: Forbidden Resource
Open Question details
Edit question all fields - Error thrown: Forbidden Resource
Delete same question added - Error thrown: Forbidden Resource
Log Out
Welcome to G18's PeerPrep
Meet Peer Prep, the ultimate hub for collaborative learning and problem-solving! Peer Prep stands as a dynamic web application that empowers users to effortlessly connect with fellow learners at the same proficiency level. Together, you'll delve into thoughtfully curated questions and amplify your problem-solving prowess. Our platform boasts innovative features that facilitate smooth collaboration with peers, enabling real-time discussions via our integrated chat feature. Additionally, you can visualize your code using our built-in code pad. We've streamlined the process of finding the perfect study partner, ensuring you team up with individuals who share your passion for problem-solving and maintain a similar proficiency level. With Peer Prep's interactive platform, effective and enjoyable learning is guaranteed. Embark on this exhilarating journey to enhance your skills, any time, from anywhere, right here on Peer Prep!
Assignment 4
Assignment_4 Update docker-compose.yml
Assignment 2
You should be able to perform CRUD operations on our questions .
For users, you should be able to register a new user, view your own profile details, edit your own profile details and delete your own profile.
You must not be connected to school wifi
From the assignment2.txt file:
add the environment variables for auth-service to an .env file and place in auth-service
add the environment variables for user-service to an .env file and place in user-service
add the environment variables for web-admin-dashboard to an .env file and place in web-admin-dashboard
You should add the .env files before running. Here are the commands you should run in sequence
new terminal:
cd ./question-service
npm install
npm run start
new terminal:
cd ../user-service
npm install
npm run start
new terminal:
cd ../auth-service
npm install
npm run start
new terminal:
cd ./web-admin-dashboard
npm run dev
Assignment 5
Local Version
Software Required
Ensure that Docker is running on your machine.
Ensure that you are not on NUS wifi.
Ensure ports 5173, 3000, 4000, 4001, 4002, 5001, 6001, 15672 and 5672 are available on your machine.
Add the assignment 5 .env txt file into ./web-admin-dashboard directory
Navigate into the ay2324s1-course-assessment-g18
directory from the downloaded
cd ay2324s1-course-assessment-g18
From the directory, execute the following commands and rename dockerfile.txt to dockerfile after deleting the dockerfile in web-admin-dashboard
cd ./question-service
docker build -t rgonslayer/peerprep-question:1.0 .
cd ../user-service
docker build -t rgonslayer/peerprep-user:1.1 .
cd ../auth-service
docker build -t rgonslayer/peerprep-auth:1.0 .
cd ../history-service
docker build -t adrielsoh/peerprep-history:1.0 .
cd ../chat-service
docker build -t adrielsoh/peerprep-chat:1.0 .
cd ../matching-service
docker build -t rgonslayer/peerprep-matching:1.0 .
cd ../web-admin-dashboard
npm install
npm run dev
In a new terminal
cd ..
docker compose up
Visit localhost:5173 on 2 incognito tabs and test with the following steps:
Log into user account1:
email: b
pw: 123
Log into user account2:
email: [email protected]
pw: 123
Ensure that both tabs are in user dashboard:
Matching Operations:
Match based on question difficulty
Check to see the 30s timer working, and see that the dialog says ...
Upon Matching, check to see a toast that says "Successful....." as a form of feedback
When no match is found, user can either choose to rematch or cancel. (You can simulate no matching by just initiating a match on one tab instead of two)
Assignment 1
After downloading the zip file, navigate to
/ay2324s1-course-assessment-g18-Assignment_1/web-admin-dashboard directory
Run the following commands in order
npm run install
npm run start
Launch localhost:5173 to test