A glance of 436 COVID-19 cases in Shenzhen. Python3 plotly and dash were used to generate visualization.
Open dataset from the government of shenzhen 深圳市政府数据开放平台: https://opendata.sz.gov.cn/data/dataSet/toDataDetails/29200_01503668
There won't be any hospital discharge case exposing after Feb 26 2020.
This project is based on released case report data until March 20th 2020, including 417 initial cases and indigenous cases + 19 imported cases from other countries.
You may need to provide a phone number to obtain the raw data table from this opendata resource platform. This project doesn't include the raw data table. You may download the data and change the path directory in
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数据截至至2020年3月20日,共计417例既有病例 + 19例输入病例。
- consist of 4 graph, 1 main graph and 3 annotated graph
- add timepoint of hospital discharge & time period outside shenzhen city 在主图中加入出院时间及在深圳市外活动的区间:
add time period of staying in Wuhan (e.g. stay_in_wuhan_from: XX/XX/2020; stay_in_wuhan_to: XX/XX/2020)
if the time period of staying in Wuhan started before 2020 (such as 01/10/2019), it suggests that this case is wuhan resident move to shenzhen afterwards
if there is only one point present the time period, it suggests that this case temporarily stop in wuhan rather than resident.
- more detail in hoverinfo
main graph: add case ID, date info and note (annotated with symptoms and the places they passed; the notes are written in Chinese)
annotated graph: add case ID and related metadata
在主图hover中加入了caseID, 相关日期,Note(备注症状与途径地)
- I will visualize the cases reported after Feb 28th 2020 (after case ID 418). They are imported cases from abroad with a limited sample size. 2020年2月28日之后的(即病例418及其之后的)境外输入病例单独可视化,因其数量少,可手工编辑信息,将时间线描述得更加详细。
- Maybe add the release time of each case; 需要再加上病例公布时间,公布病例数目为每日新增病例的统计途径,而非发病或者入院(入院不一定是确诊)。
- add special marker to death case 死亡病例特殊标记
- How to present cases with familly aggregation? 家族聚集如何表示?
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