Welcome to a quick introduction to symbolic music processing with partitura!
This repo was originally developed for a tutorial session at ISMIR 22 and is now maintained as hands-on documentation for the partitura library. Partitura is a library for symbolic music processing, that is, it reads, writes, and manipulates musical scores in a variety of formats and MIDI files and aims at:
- file I/O for all things symbolic music: scores, performances, and alignments of the two.
- feature extraction: creating note arrays, piano rolls, and custom features.
In the directory notebooks
there are four tutorials:
- 01_introduction: how to read and write scores and performances in partitura, how to manipulate musical material, and how to extract features like note arrays and piano rolls.
- 02_alignment: how to read, process, and create symbolic (note-to-note) music alignments with partitura and Daynamic Time Warping (fastdtw, Vienna4x22 dataset)
- 03_mlflow: automatic pitch spelling as an example of a machine learning pipeline for automatic music analysis (pytorch, lightning, LSTM, (n)ASAP dataset)
- 04_generation: a small drum beat generator as an example of a machine learning pipeline for automatic music generation (pytorch, Transformer Encoder, Groove Midi Dataset)
The tutorials consist of jupyter notebooks for you to run locally or on google colab (by clicking the link at the top of each notebook).
To run the notebooks locally, be sure to install the dependencies (or create an environment) based on environment.yml
We aim to keep this tutorials updated with the current version of partitura, for prior versions of partitura, check the versions on this github repository.
The partitura documentation and API reference is on readthedocs. Do you have questions? You're welcome on the partitura discussions. Encountered a bug? You're welcome to raise an issue.
The easiest way to install the partitura package is via pip
from the PyPI (Python Package Index) <https://pypi.python.org/pypi>
pip install partitura
This will install the latest release of the package and will install all dependencies automatically.
To install latest stable version:
pip install git+https://github.com/CPJKU/partitura.git@develop
The following code loads the contents of an example MusicXML file included in the package:
import partitura
my_xml_file = partitura.EXAMPLE_MUSICXML
score = partitura.load_musicxml(my_xml_file)
For MusicXML, Kern, or MEI files do:
import partitura
score = partitura.load_score(my_file)
If you find Partitura useful, we would appreciate it if you could cite us!
title={{Partitura: A Python Package for Symbolic Music Processing}},
author={Cancino-Chac\'{o}n, Carlos Eduardo and Peter, Silvan David and Karystinaios, Emmanouil and Foscarin, Francesco and Grachten, Maarten and Widmer, Gerhard},
booktitle={{Proceedings of the Music Encoding Conference (MEC2022)}},
address={Halifax, Canada},