This Robot Operating System (ROS) package provides nodes that can be used for sending and receiving data via TCP sockets. These nodes allow for outside applications to remotely interact with ROS. For example, a robot could be controlled from a computer running a controller written in Julia.
On a machine with ROS installed, navigate to the catkin
package workspace:
cd ../src
For a typical ROS installation, your current directory should now be ~/catkin_ws/src
Clone the repo to this location:
git clone
Note: if you cannot clone the repo due to permissions issues, download it manually from github and copy it to this location.
After cloning or copying, on a typical ROS installation, the path to the repo should be:
Navigate to the catkin
cd ../
For a typical ROS installation, your current directory should now be ~/catkin_ws
Build the package:
catkin_make --only-pkg-with-deps ros_sockets_msgs
catkin_make --only-pkg-with-deps ros_sockets
Refresh ROS:
source devel/setup.bash
rospack profile
Nodes within this package are started using launch files. The launch files pass in user-selected parameters to the nodes; these parameters are selected by editing the applicable launch files.
The nodes may be individually launched, or a launch file may be created which launches multiple nodes simultaneously. The section below describes each node, how they are configured, and how to launch them individually. The section which follows that one provides examples for simultaneous launching of nodes.
This node runs a server that listens for velocity commands to move a robot. The controls
commands are received and published to the ROS topic /cmd_vel
Edit the values of the following parameters located in the launch/velocity_control.launch
: TCP port the node will listen on. This must be an integer between 1024 and 65535 and match the port that control commands are being sent to. It is recommended to select a port around 40000 to 60000. -
: Timestep duration in seconds. This duration will elapse between each velocity command when a sequence (array) of velocity commands is sent to the node. This argument should be set to match the timestep from the solver that is sending control input sequences to this node.
On a machine with ROS installed, start roscore
if it is not already started:
In a new shell, launch the node with the following:
roslaunch ros_sockets velocity_control.launch
Stop the node by pressing Ctrl+C
on the shell the node was launched from.
When this is done, the node will publish a zero velocity command to the robot and shutdown safely.
If sending commands using Julia, the RosSockets.jl package may be used to easily accomplish the below.
With the node already started, connect to the <IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>
that the node is running on, via TCP.
Send a sequence of linear and angular velocity pairs to the node by writing to this port using the JSON format, ending the line with the newline character (typically \n
The property name needs to be "controls"
and the sequence needs to be formatted as an array of commands, where each command is an array containing a linear and angular command.
Here is an example of a JSON formattted command:
{ "controls": [[0.1, 0.2], [0.15, 0.21], [0.17, 0.23]] }\n
The sequence will be published to the ROS topic /cmd_vel
at the rate specified by the timestep
Note: a zero velocity command will be appended to every sequence to ensure the robot stops after it completes the sequence.
When a new sequence is sent to the node, the node will discard any remaining commands of the sequence it is currently executing and will immediately start executing the new sequence. In this fashion, the node is primed for receding-horizon type control.
When done, be sure to close the TCP connection.
This node runs a server that holds pose and twist data obtained from a motion capture system. A command is sent to the server to retrieve the latest pose and twist data. Designed to be used with the vrpn_client_ros node that is used with motion capture systems like Vicon and OptiTrack.
Edit the values of the following parameters located in the launch/state_feedback.launch
: name that is assigned to the tracker using vrpn_client_ros. The pose and twist topics that will be subscribed to will be/<tracker_name>/pose
. -
: TCP port the node will listen on. This must be an integer between 1024 and 65535 and match the port that control commands are being sent to. It is recommended to select a port around 40000 to 60000.
On a machine with ROS installed, start roscore
if it is not already started:
In a new shell, launch the node with the following:
roslaunch ros_sockets state_feedback.launch
Stop the node by pressing Ctrl+C
on the shell the node was launched from.
If receiving data using Julia, the RosSockets.jl package may be used to easily accomplish the below.
With the node already started, connect to the <IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>
that the node is running on, via TCP.
Send a command to get feedback data by writing to this port using the JSON format, ending the line with the newline character (typically \n
The property name needs to be "action"
and the command needs to be "get_feedback_data"
{ "action": "get_feedback_data" }\n
Feedback data is sent back using the the JSON format. Four key/value pairs are sent, which represent the pose and twist of the tracked object:
: a 3d vector representing the x, y, and z position of the object -
: a 4d vector that is the w, x, y, and z quaternion that represents the orientation of the object. -
: a 3d vector representing the linear x, y, and z velocity of the object. -
: a 3d vector representing the angular x, y, and z velocity of the object.
When done, be sure to close the TCP connection.
This node runs a server that holds rollout data (times, states, desired state, controls) obtained from a rollout.
Rollout data is collected by a node created by the user and then this data much be published to /rollout_data
A command is sent to the server to retrieve the data.
Edit the values of the following parameters located in the launch/rollout_data.launch
: TCP port the node will listen on. This must be an integer between 1024 and 65535 and match the port that control commands are being sent to. It is recommended to select a port around 40000 to 60000.
On a machine with ROS installed, start roscore
if it is not already started:
In a new shell, launch the node with the following:
roslaunch ros_sockets rollout_data.launch
Stop the node by pressing Ctrl+C
on the shell the node was launched from.
Publish a ros_sockets_msgs::RolloutData
message to the /rollout_data
If receiving data using Julia, the RosSockets.jl package may be used to easily accomplish the below.
With the node already started, connect to the <IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>
that the node is running on, via TCP.
Send a command to get rollout data by writing to this port using the JSON format, ending the line with the newline character (typically \n
The property name needs to be "action"
and the command needs to be "get_rollout_data"
{ "action": "get_rollout_data" }\n
Rollout data is sent back using the the JSON format. Four key/value pairs are sent, which represent the pose and twist of the tracked object:
: a vector of timestamps -
: a vector of vectors representing the state at each timestamp -
: a vector of vectors representing the desired state at each timestamp -
: a vector of vectors representing the control input at each timestamp
When done, be sure to close the TCP connection.
This node tracks the pose and twist of a model in Gazebo and publishes them to the topics /<tracker_name>/pose
and /<tracker_name>/twist
It is used to simulate the vrpn_client_ros node that is used with motion capture systems like Vicon and OptiTrack.
Edit the values of the following parameters located in the launch/gazebo_tracker.launch
: name that is assigned to the tracker. The topics that pose and twist data will be published to are/<tracker_name>/pose
. -
: name of the model in Gazebo that will be tracked. -
: rate in Hz to publish data.
On a machine with ROS installed, start roscore
if it is not already started:
In a new shell, launch the node with the following:
roslaunch ros_sockets gazebo_tracker.launch
Stop the node by pressing Ctrl+C
on the shell the node was launched from.
This node maintains the start time of an experiment, publishes this time to the /start_time
topic, and also replies with the time elapsed when queried over TCP. This node is useful for synchronizing processes both internal and external to ROS (over TCP), using the ROS clock.
Edit the values of the following parameters located in the launch/experiment_time.launch
: TCP port the node will listen on. This must be an integer between 1024 and 65535 and match the port that control commands are being sent to. It is recommended to select a port around 40000 to 60000.
On a machine with ROS installed, start roscore
if it is not already started:
In a new shell, launch the node with the following:
roslaunch ros_sockets experiment_time.launch
Stop the node by pressing Ctrl+C
on the shell the node was launched from.
With the node already started, connect to the <IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>
that the node is running on, via TCP.
Control the node with the following JSON strings, sent to the node over TCP:
{ "action": "start_experiment" }\n
: Store the current ROS time and publish this time to/start_time
.{ "action": "stop_experiment" }\n
: Store a time of 0 and publish this time to/start_time
.{ "action": "get_time_elapsed" }\n
: Calculate the time elapsed sincestart_experiment
was last called (in ROS time) and reply with it over TCP. The message is JSON formatted as{ "elapsed_time": d }\n
is the time elapsed in double precision.
This node receives an 1-dimensional array (vector) over TCP and publishes the array to a topic named by the user.
Edit the values of the following parameters located in the launch/array_publisher.launch
: TCP port the node will listen on. This must be an integer between 1024 and 65535 and match the port that control commands are being sent to. It is recommended to select a port around 40000 to 60000.topic_name
: The name of the topic to publish the array to.
On a machine with ROS installed, start roscore
if it is not already started:
In a new shell, launch the node with the following:
roslaunch ros_sockets array_publisher.launch
Stop the node by pressing Ctrl+C
on the shell the node was launched from.
With the node already started, connect to the <IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>
that the node is running on, via TCP.
Send a JSON string with the property name as "array"
and the value being the array. Make sure the string ends with the newline character \n
. Here is an example of a properly formatted JSON:
{ "data": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0] }\n
When done, be sure to close the TCP connection.
Multiple nodes can be launched simultaneously to simplify the launch process.
In this manner, both feedback and control (and simulation) can be started for one or multiple agents with just one launch file.
This section refers to a few examples found in the launch/
Parameters within the launch file will need to be modified as described in the previous sections.
This launch file starts a velocity control node and a state feedback node. Launch it with:
roslaunch ros_sockets feedback_control_example.launch
Like feedback_control_example.launch, this launch file starts a velocity control node and a state feedback node. It also starts the Gazebo Tracker node to simulate motion capture. Launch it with:
roslaunch ros_sockets gazebo_simulation_example.launch
This launch file starts velocity control, state feedback, and Gazebo tracking for 3 robots. Launch it with:
roslaunch ros_sockets multi_agent_example.launch
The velocity control node is heavily based on infrastructure from @schmidma and @lassepe.