Install latest release:
$ pip install panoptes-client
Install HEAD directly from GitHub:
$ pip install git+git://
Print all project titles:
from panoptes_client import Project
for project in Project.where():
print project.title
Find a project by slug and print all its workflow names:
from panoptes_client import Project
project = Project.find(slug='zooniverse/example')
for workflow in project.links.workflows:
print workflow.display_name
Create a project:
from panoptes_client import Project, Panoptes
Panoptes.connect(username='example', password='example')
p = Project()
p.display_name='test project'
p.description='a test project'
Create a subject set and upload a new subject to it:
from panoptes_client import SubjectSet, Subject, Project, Panoptes
Panoptes.connect(username='example', password='example')
project = Project.find(slug='zooniverse/example')
subject_set = SubjectSet()
subject_set.links.project = project
subject_set.display_name = 'My new subject set'
subject = Subject()
subject.links.project = project
# You can set whatever metadata you want, or none at all
subject.metadata['image_id'] = 1234
subject.metadata['image_title'] = 'My image'
# SubjectSet.add() can take a list of Subjects, or just one.
List the subjects in a subject_set:
for subject in subject_set.subjects():
print("%s," % (
Project owners with client credentials can update their users' project settings (workflow_id only):
from panoptes_client import Panoptes, User, Subject, ProjectPreferences
user = User.find("1234")
project = Project.find("1234")
new_settings = {"workflow_id": "1234"}
ProjectPreferences.save_settings(project=project, user=user, settings=new_settings)
Alternatively, the project id and user id can be passed in directly if they are already known:
ProjectPreferences.save_settings(project=project_id, user=user_id, settings=new_settings)