SQLAlchemy ORM queries, Pandas, and Matplotlib to do climate analysis
Used Python and SQLAlchemy to do a basic climate analysis and data exploration the climate database. Specifically, used SQLAlchemy ORM queries, Pandas, and Matplotlib.
Designed a Flask API based on the queries from Part 1
In Jupyter Notebook Use the SQLAlchemy create_engine() function to connect to your SQLite database
Use the SQLAlchemy automap_base() function to reflect your tables into classes
Save references to the classes named station and measurement
Link Python to the database by creating a SQLAlchemy session
Close your session at the end of your notebook
Precipitation Analysis
Create a query that finds the most recent date in the dataset
Create a query that collects only the date and precipitation for the last year of data without passing the date as a variable
Save the query results to a Pandas DataFrame to create date and precipitation columns
Sort the DataFrame by date
Plot the results by using the DataFrame plot method with date as the x and precipitation as the y variables
Use Pandas to print the summary statistics for the precipitation data
Station Analysis
Design a query that correctly finds the number of stations in the dataset
Design a query that correctly lists the stations and observation counts in descending order and finds the most active station (USC00519281)
Design a query that correctly finds the min, max, and average temperatures for the most active station (USC00519281)
Design a query to get the previous 12 months of temperature observation (TOBS) data that filters by the station that has the greatest number of observations
Save the query results to a Pandas DataFrame
Correctly plot a histogram with bins=12 for the last year of data using tobs as the column to count.
API SQLite Connection & Landing Page
Correctly generate the engine to the correct sqlite file
Use automap_base() and reflect the database schema
Correctly save references to the tables in the sqlite file (measurement and station)
Correctly create and binds the session between the python app and database
Display the available routes on the landing page
API Static Routes
A precipitation route that:
Returns json with the date as the key and the value as the precipitation
Only returns the jsonified precipitation data for the last year in the database
A stations route that:
Returns jsonified data of all of the stations in the database A tobs route that:
Returns jsonified data for the most active station (USC00519281)
Only returns the jsonified data for the last year of data
API Dynamic Route
A start route that:
Accepts the start date as a parameter from the URL
Returns the min, max, and average temperatures calculated from the given start date to the end of the dataset
A start/end route that:
Accepts the start and end dates as parameters from the URL
Returns the min, max, and average temperatures calculated from the given start date to the given end date
Resources/References: I used this for the latest date. https://github.com/monica-t-james/Homework9-HawaiiClimateAnalysis/blob/master/README.md