See the's main block for an example of a multi-process experimental run (across a grid of parameters), or notebooks/Test compress for a full Jupyter notebook example.
target_circuit: QuantumCircuit object encoding your state preparation
n_shots: integer number of samples used when evaluating training circuit on one set of parameters
n_iter: integer number of SPSA optimization steps (number of parameter updates)
n_layers: the number of layers in the learned quantum circuit. One layer has
a tiling of single qubit rotations followed by a tiling of two qubit
entangling operations.
n_runs: number of simulations to run in parrallel
xr.Dataset object encoding the parameters and fidelities for various QNN circuit depths
registers: QuantumRegisters to be used in compressed circuit
model_parameters: ndarray of parameters for learned model (obtained from cross_validate_qnn_depth)
compressed_circuit: QuantumCircuit object