The following packages are required:
- libao-dev
- libfftw3-dev
- rtl-sdr
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
You can test the program using the included sample capture:
$ xz -d < ../support/sample.xz | src/nrsc5 -r - 0
Building with Homebrew
$ brew install --HEAD
This was designed for use with an RTL-SDR dongle since that was our testing platform.
frequency rtl-sdr center frequency
(do not provide frequency when reading from file)
program audio program to decode
(0, 1, 2, or 3)
-d device-index rtl-sdr device
-g gain rtl-sdr gain (0.1 dB)
-p ppm-error rtl-sdr ppm error
-r samples-input read samples from input file
-w samples-output write samples to output file
-o audio-output write audio to output file
-f adts|wav audio format: adts or wav
(adts playback requires modified faad2)
$ nrsc5 -p 63 -g 490 -w samples1071 107100000 0
$ nrsc5 -r samples1071 0