This demonstration is meant to show a way of implementing messaging sagas in dotnet core using Rebus, using either SQL Server or RabbitMQ.
The choreography directory contains an example of how a messaging saga using chroreography and the orchestration folder contains an orchestration example.
To run one of the demos:
- To use a RabbitMQ transport run the rebuild-rabbit.ps1, for SQL Server run rebuild-sql.ps1. These scripts will start a Docker container running sql or rabbitmq.
- Choose a demo type (choreography or orchestration)
- Run all of of the dotnet core applications for a demo type (AdeptusAdministratum, AdeptusAstartes, ImperialGuard, Inquisition). To use a SQL Server transport just start the app with
dotnet run
. For RabbitMQdotnet run -- "transport=rabbitmq"
- Navigate to http://localhost:5000 in one tab to bring up the Inquisition page to monitor the messages.
- Navigate to http://localhost:5002 in another tab to bring up the Adeptus Administratum page.
- Select a world and click Submit to start the compliance saga.