One-stop for all information related to Cryptocurrency, including current Market Trends and its analytics which help Retail Investors who don't have in-depth domain knowledge make better investment decisions.
Frontend: Flutter
Backend: Django, Django Restframework
Other Tech: Deep Learning, Azure Cloud
- Crypto Forecast is an App Developed using Flutter Framework where Users can get all the Live Information of Crypto Currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin etc.
- User's will get to see Future Price Predictions of top cryptocurrencies so that they can make their investments keeping in mind the current state of the market and not invest their Hard earn money due to Fear of Missing Out.
- As the Market is quite Volatile in cryptocurrency our Portal will help retail investors make better Decisions regarding their Investment.
- We provide them with Real Time Charts, Real Time Prices, Real Time News and Real Time Analytics using Deep Learning Models like Future Forecasting, Fear Index and Sentiment Analysis of Current market based on Social Media Posts.