This repository hosts the course notes for the Introduction to Software Engineering course at the University of Queensland.
Notes are written in Markdown and automatically deployed to using Jekyll.
To be able to run the website locally, you will need the following installed:
- ruby and ruby-dev
- pandoc
- wkhtmltopdf
To run the website locallly, you will need to have ruby, ruby bundle, and ruby dev installed.
Install dependancies:
bundle install
Serve website locally:
bundle exec jekyll serve
There are a couple of implicit dependencies of the course notes, things like python and latex. I've built a docker container that has all required dependencies here:
To run it with the repository mounted and port open, use the following command:
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash -p 4000:4000 -v $(pwd):/workdir braewebb/jekyll
You'll then enter a bash terminal inside the container, you can spin up a jekyll server with the following commands:
cd /workdir
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve --host
Note: must be bound to rather than the default or it will not be discoverable by your host PC.
Pull requests to fix typos or correct content are most welcome from the community (especially current students!).