code under construction, full functionality will be ready soon
ONNX 浏览器 is an easy way to explore your onnx model. You can simply do these function in a onnx model very quickly:
usage: onnxexp <command> [<args>]
The most commonly used onnxexp commands are:
ls ls all model nodes
search search and print out certain commands
summary print out model summary
onnxexp model.onnx search -t 'Slice'
onnxexp model.onnx search -n '342654'
onnxexp model.onnx ls -hl
onnxexp model.onnx ls
Here are some experiments on resnet50.onnx
$ onnxexp ../onnx_deploy/models/retinaface_mbv2_sim.onnx search -t 'Conv'
Exploring on onnx model: ../onnx_deploy/models/retinaface_mbv2_sim.onnx
search node by ID: Conv
input: "input.1"
input: "531"
input: "533"
output: "301"
op_type: "Conv"
attribute {
name: "dilations"
ints: 1
ints: 1
type: INTS
attribute {
name: "group"
i: 1
type: INT
attribute {
name: "kernel_shape"
ints: 3
ints: 3
type: INTS
attribute {
name: "pads"
ints: 1
ints: 1
ints: 1
ints: 1
type: INTS
attribute {
name: "strides"
ints: 2
ints: 2
type: INTS
function to be add:
- List all op type used in this model;
- Estimate on this model, whether it can optimize or can convert to TensorRT engine;
- 2019.09.30: First released this package;
to install onnxexplorer, you can do:
sudo pip3 install onnxexplorer
Or if pip not available:
sudo python3 install
All right reserved by Fagang Jin. Codes released under Apache License.