Terraform demo scripts.
Format .tf files:
terraform fmt
Validate .tf files:
terraform validate
Initialize the working directory containing the root .tf file:
terraform init
See and review the execution plan:
terraform plan
Apply changes:
terraform apply
See the changes made:
terraform show
Destroy created resources:
terraform destroy
To print the output with no colors (escape sequences which can be parsed by terminal but not e.g. GitHub web parser):
terraform plan -no-color
To get the plan in pure JSON, save it first (as a binary file) and then use show
terraform plan -out tfplan
terraform show -json tfplan
Default output is output to a file. To get human-oriented output use:
terraform output
If Heredoc is used to assign a value to the variable Terraform will include Heredoc markers (e.g. <<EOT and EOT) in its rendering of the value because the output from Terraform is intended to be similar to the configuration syntax, but the actual value saved in the state was the final value without those markers.
A way to get machine-oriented output (which does not contain Heredoc markers)
terraform output -json
Output variables from non-root modules are not shown (in planning phase). We need to define output variable in the root module which will return the value of the output variable of the child modules.