It's almost just the title, because im not good at naming things.
It's a chrome plugin that allows you to bulk edit the metadata of images and videos in PhotoPrism.
This feature is something a lot of people want (including me) and I'm also not the first with this idea.
To be more specific Stephen Chew had that idea a bit before me and published a gist Bulk edit photos in Photoprism. This project uses his code as its base.
Currently, you can edit the metadata for title, artist, keywords, lat, lng, day, month and year. For the text inputs you can decide if you want to prepend, replace or append.
You then get a lot of checks, like:
- did you select more than one?
- did you open the editor? (might remove that one and just open it)
- are the images you selected properly selected (sometimes PhotoPrism has allowed me to go past the last selected element, very not good)
Btw. it will store your last input when you close the popup so don't be afraid to click out of it while getting everything setup, but once the ball is rolling it needs to stay open or it stopps. But you could also consider that the emergency stop.
Currently, you can download the source code and got to chrome://extensions/, enable "Developer Mode" and click un "Load unpacked" (for other languages, the button on the left) then select the folder with the manifest.json
Once I got the time I will pack it properly as a Chrome extension, and you can just get it from the store.
Yea, as it stands now, only I have tested this tool and there might be unexpected bugs so keep an eye on it as it runs.
Another important thing is that when you enter lat, lng you use the correct format meaning #.###
with #,###
everything after the ,
will be ignored. (might add a extra check for that)
I like it
Yea, im planing on adding that and an option to remove them too
I also what to support replacing stuff with regex and also (all) other fields.