ja++ modification for jedi academy - best used with openjk
see japp.jkhub.org for more information
I don't have any builders.
- Raz0r (lead)
- AstralSerpent
- Ensiform
- EpicLoyd
- Morabis
- teh
Go check out the original ja++ website, you can follow the compilation instructions there. My compilation method may be a bit different from Raz0r's but it should work.
You can contact me on the JKCommunity Discord or over Steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/blackwolf1337/
AutoHotkey. Go google it up, you won't regret it.
https://github.com/Zyk6870/OpenJK https://github.com/Razish/japp https://github.com/xScooper/Makermod
- Raz0r <--- check out his original Ja++
- Zyk <--- check out his Zyk-Mod has some decent entity stuff for coding!
- Scooper <--- Makermod stuff, awesome code also.
- JD for testing and using my modified version of Raz0r japp mod.