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KyrylR committed Jun 29, 2024
1 parent 0c96b24 commit 32d9612
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Showing 17 changed files with 977 additions and 68 deletions.
105 changes: 105 additions & 0 deletions circuits/PostMessage.circom
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
pragma circom 2.0.0;

include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/comparators.circom";
include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/eddsaposeidon.circom";

include "./SparseMerkleTree.circom";
include "./VerifiableCommitmentTemplate.circom";

template SignatureVerifier() {
signal input Ax;
signal input Ay;

signal input signatureS;
signal input signatureR8X;
signal input signatureR8Y;
signal input data;

component sigVerifier = EdDSAPoseidonVerifier();
sigVerifier.enabled <== 1;
sigVerifier.Ax <== Ax;
sigVerifier.Ay <== Ay;
sigVerifier.S <== signatureS;
sigVerifier.R8x <== signatureR8X;
sigVerifier.R8y <== signatureR8Y;
sigVerifier.M <== data;

template PostMessage(levels) {
// Public
signal input contractId;
signal input root;
signal input messageHash;
signal input deadline;

// Private
signal input nftId;
signal input nftOwner;
signal input babyJubJubPK_Ax;
signal input babyJubJubPK_Ay;
signal input timestamp;

signal input siblings[levels];

signal input auxKey;
signal input auxValue;
// 1 if the aux node is empty, 0 otherwise
signal input auxIsEmpty;

// 1 if we are checking for exclusion, 0 if we are checking for inclusion
signal input isExclusion;

signal input messageSignatureR8x;
signal input messageSignatureR8y;
signal input messageSignatureS;

// ----------------------------------- Logic -----------------------------------

component credBuild = VerifiableCommitment();
credBuild.contractId <== contractId;
credBuild.nftId <== nftId;
credBuild.nftOwner <== nftOwner;
credBuild.deadline <== deadline;

credBuild.babyJubJubPK_Ax <== babyJubJubPK_Ax;
credBuild.babyJubJubPK_Ay <== babyJubJubPK_Ay;
credBuild.timestamp <== timestamp;

signal computedCredId <== credBuild.credentialId;

component smtVerifier = SparseMerkleTreeVerifier(levels);
smtVerifier.siblings <== siblings;

component leafHasher = Poseidon(1);
leafHasher.inputs[0] <== computedCredId;

smtVerifier.key <== leafHasher.out;

component computedCredValue = Poseidon(3);
computedCredValue.inputs[0] <== contractId;
computedCredValue.inputs[1] <== nftId;
computedCredValue.inputs[2] <== nftOwner;

smtVerifier.value <== computedCredValue.out;

smtVerifier.auxKey <== auxKey;
smtVerifier.auxValue <== auxValue;
smtVerifier.auxIsEmpty <== auxIsEmpty;

smtVerifier.isExclusion <== isExclusion;

smtVerifier.root <== root;

component sigVerifier = SignatureVerifier();
sigVerifier.Ax <== babyJubJubPK_Ax;
sigVerifier.Ay <== babyJubJubPK_Ay;
sigVerifier.signatureS <== messageSignatureS;
sigVerifier.signatureR8X <== messageSignatureR8x;
sigVerifier.signatureR8Y <== messageSignatureR8y; <== messageHash;

component main {
public [contractId, root, messageHash, deadline]
} = PostMessage(80);
271 changes: 271 additions & 0 deletions circuits/SparseMerkleTree.circom
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
pragma circom 2.0.0;

include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/poseidon.circom";
include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/switcher.circom";
include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/gates.circom";
include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/bitify.circom";

function inverse(a) {
return 1 - a;

* Hash2 = Poseidon(H_L | H_R)
template Hash2() {
signal input a;
signal input b;

signal output out;

component h = Poseidon(2);
h.inputs[0] <== a;
h.inputs[1] <== b;

out <== h.out;

* Hash2 = Poseidon(key | value | 1)
* 1 is added to the end of the leaf value to make the hash unique
template Hash3() {
signal input a;
signal input b;
signal input c;

signal output out;

c === 1;

component h = Poseidon(3);
h.inputs[0] <== a;
h.inputs[1] <== b;
h.inputs[2] <== c;

out <== h.out;

* Returns an array of bits, where the index of `1` bit
* is the current depth of the tree
template DepthDeterminer(depth) {
assert(depth > 1);

signal input siblings[depth];
signal output desiredDepth[depth];

signal done[depth - 1];

component isZero[depth];

for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
isZero[i] = IsZero();
isZero[i].in <== siblings[i];

// The last sibling is always zero due to the way the proof is constructed
isZero[depth - 1].out === 1;

// If there is a branch on the previous depth, then the current depth is the desired one
desiredDepth[depth - 1] <== inverse(isZero[depth - 2].out);
done[depth - 2] <== desiredDepth[depth - 1];

// desiredDepth will be `1` the first time we encounter non-zero branch on the previous depth
for (var i = depth - 2; i > 0; i--) {
desiredDepth[i] <== inverse(done[i]) * inverse(isZero[i - 1].out);
done[i - 1] <== desiredDepth[i] + done[i];

desiredDepth[0] <== inverse(done[0]);

* Determines the type of the node
template NodeTypeDeterminer() {
signal input auxIsEmpty;
// 1 if the node is at the desired depth, 0 otherwise
signal input isDesiredDepth;
signal input isExclusion;

signal input previousMiddle;
signal input previousEmpty;
signal input previousAuxLeaf;
signal input previousLeaf;

// 1 if the node is a middle node, 0 otherwise
signal output middle;
// 1 if the node is an empty node, 0 otherwise
signal output empty;
// 1 if the node is a leaf node for the exclusion proof, 0 otherwise
signal output auxLeaf;
// 1 if the node is a leaf node, 0 otherwise
signal output leaf;

// 1 if the node is a leaf node and we are checking for exclusion, 0 otherwise
signal leafForExclusionCheck <== isDesiredDepth * isExclusion;

// Determine the node as a middle, until getting to the desired depth
middle <== previousMiddle - isDesiredDepth;

// Determine the node as a leaf, when we are at the desired depth and
// we check for inclusion
leaf <== isDesiredDepth - leafForExclusionCheck;

// Determine the node as an auxLeaf, when we are at the desired depth and
// we check for exclusion in a bamboo scenatrio
auxLeaf <== leafForExclusionCheck * inverse(auxIsEmpty);

// Determine the node as an empty, when we are at the desired depth and
// we check for exclusion with an empty node
empty <== isDesiredDepth * auxIsEmpty;

* Gets hash at the current depth, based on the type of the node
* If the mode is a empty, then the hash is 0
template DepthHasher() {
signal input isMiddle;
signal input isAuxLeaf;
signal input isLeaf;

signal input sibling;
signal input auxLeaf;
signal input leaf;
signal input currentKeyBit;
signal input child;

signal output root;

component switcher = Switcher();
switcher.L <== child;
switcher.R <== sibling;
// Based on the current key bit, we understand which order to use
switcher.sel <== currentKeyBit;

component proofHash = Hash2();
proofHash.a <== switcher.outL;
proofHash.b <== switcher.outR;

signal res[3];
// hash of the middle node
res[0] <== proofHash.out * isMiddle;
// hash of the aux leaf node for the exclusion proof
res[1] <== auxLeaf * isAuxLeaf;
// hash of the leaf node for the inclusion proof
res[2] <== leaf * isLeaf;

// only one of the following will be non-zero
root <== res[0] + res[1] + res[2];

* Checks the sparse merkle proof against the given root
template SparseMerkleTreeVerifier(depth) {
// The root of the sparse merkle tree
signal input root;
// The siblings for each depth
signal input siblings[depth];

signal input key;
signal input value;

signal input auxKey;
signal input auxValue;
// 1 if the aux node is empty, 0 otherwise
signal input auxIsEmpty;

// 1 if we are checking for exclusion, 0 if we are checking for inclusion
signal input isExclusion;

// Check that the auxIsEmpty is 0 if we are checking for inclusion
component exclusiveCase = AND();
exclusiveCase.a <== inverse(isExclusion);
exclusiveCase.b <== auxIsEmpty;
exclusiveCase.out === 0;

// Check that the key != auxKey if we are checking for exclusion and the auxIsEmpty is 0
component areKeyEquals = IsEqual();[0] <== auxKey;[1] <== key;

component keysOk = MultiAND(3);[0] <== isExclusion;[1] <== inverse(auxIsEmpty);[2] <== areKeyEquals.out;
keysOk.out === 0;

component auxHash = Hash3();
auxHash.a <== auxKey;
auxHash.b <== auxValue;
auxHash.c <== 1;

component hash = Hash3();
hash.a <== key;
hash.b <== value;
hash.c <== 1;

component keyBits = Num2Bits_strict(); <== key;

component depths = DepthDeterminer(depth);

for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
depths.siblings[i] <== siblings[i];

component nodeType[depth];

// Start with the middle node (closest to the root)
for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
nodeType[i] = NodeTypeDeterminer();

if (i == 0) {
nodeType[i].previousMiddle <== 1;
nodeType[i].previousEmpty <== 0;
nodeType[i].previousLeaf <== 0;
nodeType[i].previousAuxLeaf <== 0;
} else {
nodeType[i].previousMiddle <== nodeType[i - 1].middle;
nodeType[i].previousEmpty <== nodeType[i - 1].empty;
nodeType[i].previousLeaf <== nodeType[i - 1].leaf;
nodeType[i].previousAuxLeaf <== nodeType[i - 1].auxLeaf;

nodeType[i].auxIsEmpty <== auxIsEmpty;
nodeType[i].isExclusion <== isExclusion;
nodeType[i].isDesiredDepth <== depths.desiredDepth[i];

component depthHash[depth];

// Hash up the elements in the reverse order
for (var i = depth - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
depthHash[i] = DepthHasher();

depthHash[i].isMiddle <== nodeType[i].middle;
depthHash[i].isLeaf <== nodeType[i].leaf;
depthHash[i].isAuxLeaf <== nodeType[i].auxLeaf;

depthHash[i].sibling <== siblings[i];
depthHash[i].auxLeaf <== auxHash.out;
depthHash[i].leaf <== hash.out;

depthHash[i].currentKeyBit <== keyBits.out[i];

if (i == depth - 1) {
// The last depth has no child
depthHash[i].child <== 0;
} else {
// The child of the current depth is the root of the next depth
depthHash[i].child <== depthHash[i + 1].root;

// The root of the merkle tree is the root of the first depth
depthHash[0].root === root;

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