Release v0.0.1
9bdf7cb Added a default sass provider
9cb1287 Added assets for repo images
5fbdcbd Added base readme file
30abe47 Added deployment and hosting with AWS & Firebase
15308b8 Added deployment and makefile notes
279aa60 Base application
cc9517f Base gitignore
f669f82 Base gulp file for building
f67dace Base issue templates, funding link
459ef2a Base template files
486b8ee Bump docsify-cli from 4.4.2 to 4.4.3
131c360 Bump gulp from 3.9.1 to 4.0.2
c894373 Bump gulp-autoprefixer from 6.1.0 to 8.0.0
39afe14 Bump gulp-cssnano from 1.1.0 to 2.1.3
3d04d4a Bump prettier-standard from 15.0.1 to 16.4.1
d69dca9 Code of merit
14a2356 First base package json file
32cea0c Fix for link
783c441 Fix for location of files in Firebase
abedced Fixed grammar issues
e0d4816 Generated raw docs site
71daab7 Initial commit
db44987 Lock file for npm
5f02fc1 Merge pull request #1 from BitcoinSchema/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/master/gulp-cssnano-2.1.3
66ab201 Merge pull request #2 from BitcoinSchema/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/master/gulp-4.0.2
9474882 Merge pull request #3 from BitcoinSchema/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/master/prettier-standard-16.4.1
580f4ba Merge pull request #4 from BitcoinSchema/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/master/gulp-autoprefixer-8.0.0
628214d Merge pull request #5 from BitcoinSchema/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/master/docsify-cli-4.4.3
79ca95c Minor fixes
0129896 OpenBSV license
9a18e01 Readme updates, badge, etc
2f98727 Removed invalid link
b4d0f74 Replaced with Github
f4291d4 Standard npm template for repo
5725ace Upgraded deps
5278205 Upgraded deps
953bf7b Upgraded deps, using version numbers, updated lock file
5331472 add examples
a2f886f add tags, attachments etc
24c3fa0 adding more schema info, wip
59caac2 change taglines
b878ae1 fix llc
3aed513 fix typo, minor changes
157d9bb update home page copy
fc70e88 update languages - hide spanish for now
460573b wip