Author: Bolt.Addons.Community
I was able to restore what I could, considering that I have zero programming experience and I'm not a professional. Some graphs were successfully restored without errors, but unfortunately, I couldn't save icons for the nodes. Tested on Unity 2022.3.1f1.
Here's what I managed to fix:
- EveryXSeconds
- CreateMultiArray
- GetArrayItem
- GetRandomElementUnit
- QueryOperation
- QueryUnit
- SetArrayItem
- RandomNumbers
- CommentUnit
- SomeValue
- StuffHappens
- Todo
- LogicParams
- Gate
- MathParamNode
- FlowReroute
- LongString
- ValueReroute
- OnVariableChanged
Import the Unity package "Visual Scripting.Community" into your project and generate the nodes.
This package also includes free graphs from Unity Asset Store's "BoltSuperUnits" (for the collection).
Asset Store: BoltSuperUnits
Another custom free node from the author Smart Penguins: Save and load JSON data
SPUC 2.0.0 Save Load Data