The PAR-CLIP protocol derives a transcriptome wide set of binding sites for RNA Binding Proteins. However, non-specific RNA background remains. We propose a tool, BackCLIP, to identify the presence of common RNA background in a PAR-CLIP dataset. We built a common background set where each element has a score that reflects its presence in several PAR-CLIP datasets. We present a tool that uses this score to identify the amount of common backgrounds present in a PAR-CLIP dataset, and we provide the user the option to use or remove it.
This Git contains the software code and output results from [P.H Reyes-Herrera, C.A Speck-Hernandez, C.A. Sierra, and S. Herrera.(2015) BackCLIP: a tool to identify common background presence in PAR-CLIP datasets. Bioinformatics.] (
- Supplementary data
- Requirements
- Install
- Usage
- License
- Extra
- Details for Background Initial Set and Additional Results Supplementary_Information_BACKCLIP_v2.doc
- CommonBackground: BackgroundTraining_19datasets.bed (Common background set used in the paper), Background_49datsets.bed (Common Background built on 49 datasets).The Common Background set built with a large and diverse datasets results in a robust data set.
- Python 2.7 and above
- Python Packages (To install plese (1) download requirements.txt and (2) use the command pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt )
- BedTools
Download python scritp (scr/
- This python program identifies the presence of common background in a PAR-CLIP dataset. As a result provides:
- confidence interval for proportion of sites in the intersection with a score higher than the threshold
- histogram score distribution in the intersection file
- common background in a dataset (bed file)
- dataset without the sites in the intersection that have a score higher than the threshold
The input argument is:
- parameters file name (see src/parameters_v1.0): this file contains the following parameters :
- alpha=significance level (default value 0.01)
- threshold=to define if the amount of common background is significant (default (maximum score)/2)
- histogram=give as output histogram of the intersection scores (default false)
- remove = give as output a modified dataset. We removed sites from the intersection (score > threshold)
- fbackground=(.BED)file background and corresponding scores (see src/example/GLOBALBACKGROUNDGROUPS.bed.sorted.delete.min10. Nevertheless, the complete version of the background is CommonBackground/Background_49datsets.bed)
- fclusters=(.BED)file with clusters detected from PAR-CLIP dataset (see src/example/QKI_SRR048972_Bowtie_Score_Cleanmin10_Prueba1.bed)
- filename=in case histogram is true, the name of the output file (default fileclusters.histbackground)
- namebed=name bed with set of common background found in fileclusters
To run, just write on shell
python parametersfilename
- parameters file name (see src/parameters_v1.0): this file contains the following parameters :
- ClusterDetection (CD_Bg.jar ). This program obtains a set of clusters from a sam format file. Usage: java -jar CD_Bg.jar Setupini
- This program finds the number of motif occurrences in a bed format file. Usage: python motif filebed outfile
Created by Paula H. Reyes-Herrera, Cesar A. Speck Hernandez, Carlos Sierra, Santiago Herrera on 5 February 2015 Copyright (c) 2015 Paula H. Reyes-Herrera, Cesar A. Speck Hernandez, Carlos Sierra, Santiago Herrera. All rights reserved.
BackCLIP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 2.