The initial Programmer's Corner seminar was held on August 2, 2018. Chances are you have to make many choices like which programming language and which framework to use, whether to program for the web or a graphical user interface or the command line and so on. Maybe someone down the hallway uses a software library that you could use. Conversely, you may have experience in computer programming that may help other developers. And sometimes it is nice to “talk shop” about all those technical issues that are so important and yet rarely find a forum. Whether you use R, Java, C++ or another programming language: you may benefit from attending a meeting of the Programmer’s Corner – a special interest group for bioinformaticians and software developers. The format will be a 30 minute talk about a topic of general interest to developers followed by one or two lightning talks.
- Parallel computing strategies: an overview of different strategies for parallelizing your code with examples in several different programming languages. -Eckart Bindewald
SLURM on Moab: An introduction to some changes coming to the Frederick HPC environment. These tips will work on Biowulf, too. -Ravi Ravichandran
Swarm on Biowulf: A brief overview of running swarms of jobs on Biowulf. -Randy Johnson