Directory dedicated to the files (scripts, labware definition, manuals, etc) relative to the Opentrons robot.
Folder with the files needed to print some of the custom labware and adaptors that we use in our protocols
There are several folders that contain the scripts, files, labware definition and examples needed to perform the High-throughput workflow for the genotypic characterization of transposon library variants.
It is divided in folders because all of them can be used in an independant way:
- AntibioticPlatesGeneration Files related with the protocol used to create plates with reactives and then inoculate them
- Colony Selection Files realted with the protocol used to select samples from 2 situations (environmental, time, fluorescence, etc)
- MergingSamplesSourcePlates Files related to the protocol that transfers samples from multple plates to one or more plates
- PCRsamplePreparation Files related to the protocol used for PCR samples preparation
Folder with the testing and working definition of the labware that we have used or currently using in all OT-2 protocols.
These files are obtained from the custom labware creator and they are all json files.
Useful documentation to create protocols, use them and customized them to our purposes.