to run all analyses, you have just to run the following command: Rscript ./src/CAGI_assessment_main.R This script will compute all statistics and make plots This script expects a folder structure like this to run: * ./src : contains all scripts * ./results : will contain all performance tables and plots * ./data : has to contain 3 folders: experimental_value, submissions, template
These are Input needed:
* experimental values file in ./data/experimental_value
* submission template in ./data/template
* submission files in ./data/submissions
Running the script these Output files will be generated in ./results
* AUC of each submission
* barplot with amount of patients correctly predicted by n groups for each phenotype
* heatmap of AUC of all submissions on each phenotype
* barplot with number of correctly predicted variants by each submission
* barplot with amount of correctly predicted variants by n groups
* pie chart with number of patiets with and without variants
* barplot with number of Causative, Putative causative and Contributing factor variants
* barplot with number of patients with known features for each phenotype
* table with assessment performed on each patient
* tables with n of correct predictions, n of correct variants, n of correct prediction and variant (all patients or only patients with variant)
* tables with number of correct predictions for each patient on each class
* tables with submission performance on each phenotype (AUC, MCC, ACC, F1, TPR, PPV, TNR, NPV, FNR, TP, TN, FN, FP)
* barplots with submission performance(TP, TN, FP, FN) computed on submitted p-values (P = "*" are not considered) and experimental value, computed with all or only patients with variants
* table with submission performance on all phenotypes (AUC, MCC, ACC, F1, TPR, PPV, TNR, NPV, FNR, TP, TN, FN, FP)
* table with (for each submission): total number of correctly predicted variants, total predicted (different) variants, Correctly predicted variants/Experimental variants, Correctly predicted variants/Predicted Variants
* table with rank of AUC on all submissions and phenotypes
* table with patient, variant, number of groups with correct answer