Web services have always been the bottleneck of client development and a major part of development. The network +Native development model builds a complete app. Explore the complete process of the App online with a simple book project. 0->1 The main process is completed and the knowledge structure is improved.
Link: https://book.douban.com/
Project address: GitHub
Environment: python2.7
Ide: Xcode Pycharm
pip:mongoDB flask beautifulSoup cocoapods
Tip: Understand the simple development process of the server, the functions of each post, and the client-side development experience of thinking mapping for many years, can have a clear definition of technical development and technical direction.
Reading Book data processing client, the purpose is to have psychological expectations before seeing the book.
The project is relatively complete and is not developed by a separate module. It is helpful for the development of the entry client.
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Pull up and drop down book information
Personal collection function
Share book information function
Collection bookshelf function
Book details web function
Language | Python |
Kit | Beautiful Soup |
FLask | |
MongoDB | |
RestFul API | |
Tools | PyCharm |
PostMan |
Language | OBJC |
Tools | Xcode |
Toolkit | AFN |
SDWebImage |
Web 服务一直是客户端开发的瓶颈和开发中总要的组成部分,网络+Native的开发模式搭建完整的App 以简单的图书项目来探索App上线完整流程。0->1 主干流程搭建完成,完善自己的知识结构
环境: python2.7
Ide: Xcode Pycharm
pip:mongoDB flask beautifulSoup cocoapods
Tip: 了解服务端简单开发流程,每个岗位的职能,思维映射多年的客户端开发经验,可以有很好的明确技术发展和技术方向的选择
读书 书籍数据处理客户端,目的为在没看到书之前有心理预期。
上拉下拉 书籍信息
书籍详情web 功能
语言 | Python |
工具包 | Beautiful Soup |
FLask | |
MongoDB | |
RestFul API | |
工具 | PyCharm |
PostMan |
语言 | OBJC |
工具 | Xcode |
工具包 | AFN |
SDWebImage |