This is my first attempt at making a recipes collection page. WARNING! It will probably be the ugliest thing you've laid eyes on. Viewer discretion is advised.
- Basic HTML elements
- Git command line
I learned:
- That
git add .
starts at the current folder and works into each sub-folder as appropriate. But it does not go up p >lorem
- I don't know how to use the command line to make duplicate copies of my original file and save it as two seperate files in the same directory.
Tried cp simmered_fruit.html meat_and_mushroom_skewer.html basic_meaty_rice_balls.html
Error cp: target 'basic_meaty_rice_balls.html' is not a directory
Tried cp simmered_fruit.html recipes/meat_and_mushroom_skewer.html recipes/basic_meaty_rice_balls.html
Error cp: target 'recipes/basic_meaty_rice_balls.html' is not a directory
Tried cp simmered_fruit.html /recipes/meat_and_mushroom_skewer.html /recipes/basic_meaty_rice_balls.html
Error cp: target '/recipes/basic_meaty_rice_balls.html' is not a directory
I just used VScode to duplicate the file and proceeded from there.
I think my error is that I tried to do two things at once as cp simmered_fruit.html test1.html && cp simmered_fruit.html test2.html
works fine. Next time, I'm copy one at a time.
- I was in a subdirectory when I added and committed so I Google and found that
git reset --soft HEAD~1
will undo that. Now I cangit add .
and commit again
- Change all occurrences: ctrl + f2