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React Native Button SDK plugin for Android and iOS

npm version

Getting started

yarn add react-native-button-sdk


npm install --save react-native-button-sdk

iOS Setup

  1. Install the CocoaPod:
cd ios && pod install
  1. Update ios/YOUR_PROJECT/AppDelegate.m:

Add this import to the top:

@import Button;

Setup iOS SDK with your application key in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
  // ... other Objective-C code
  #ifdef DEBUG
    // Enable debug logging (optional)
    Button.debug.loggingEnabled = YES;
  [Button configureWithApplicationId:@"YOUR iOS APPLICATION ID" completion:nil];
  // ... other Objective-C code
  return YES;
  1. If you want to open other apps with the Button browser, you may need to add their app schemes to the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes key in your Info.plist file. Take a look at the Button iOS integration guide for how to do that.

Android Setup

  1. Update android/app/build.gradle with the Button SDK dependency:
dependencies {
  // ...other Gradle dependencies
  implementation 'com.usebutton:android-sdk:6.+'
  implementation "com.facebook.react:react-native:+"
  // ...other Gradle dependencies
  1. Update android/app/src/main/java/YOUR/APP/IDENTIFIER/

Add Button SDK import at the top:

import com.usebutton.sdk.Button;

Update the onCreate method:

public void onCreate() {
  // ...other Java code
  if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
    // Enable debug logging (optional)
  Button.configure(this, "YOUR ANDROID APPLICATION ID");

  // ...other Java code
  1. If you have Proguard enabled, please see the Android SDK integration guide for the rules to include.

Javascript Usage

import ButtonSDK from "react-native-button-sdk";

// Fetch a purchase path from Button and start the browser
  url:                   "https://the.button.url",
  token:                 "my-tracking-token",
  headerTitle:           "My Button Browser Title",
  headerSubtitle:        "My Button Browser Subtitle",
  headerTitleColor:      "#FFFFF",
  headerSubtitleColor:   "#FFFFF",
  headerBackgroundColor: "#FFFFF",
  headerTintColor:       "#FFFFF",
  footerBackgroundColor: "#FFFFF",
  footerTintColor:       "#FFFFF"

// Open the browser with a non-Button merchant URL
  url:      "",
  title:    "My Browser Title",
  subtitle: "My Browser Subtitle"

// On user login

// On user logout


Take a look at the Button iOS integration guide or Android SDK integration guide for native integration issues and if there is anything missed please submit a PR to update the above instructions!