This program was made to convert your Mac OS phonebook export to an xml file that your Yealink phone can import and use. It is written in the Pascal IDE Lazarus v2.0.12 and should compile and work on other operating systems than Mac OS as well. I have not tested it on Windows or Linux yet.
Operation on Mac OS
First, inside Mac OS contacts, you have to select all your contacts that you want to export and then export them using File -> Export -> vCard Export
Use this vCard file as input to PhoneBookConverter.
Now start PhoneBookConverter, select your exported phonebook as input and create a new phonebook xml-file using the „Save as“ dialog.
Put this xml file into the directory of your web server on your Mac (or any other http server) and select it from your YeaLink phone using the published URL as input under Directory -> External Phonebook
Enter the URL that points to the converted phonebook, including the xml-filename.
Now on your phone you will see this phonebook and can import it.