This repository is structured to provide a comprehensive overview of our Human Emotion Detection project, including data preparation, model architectures, training details, and performance analysis. Below is a detailed explanation of the repository structure:
Contains all datasets in TFRecord format, organized into three categories:
raw/: Original dataset without any augmentations.
augmented/training/: Dataset with standard augmentations applied.
cut_mix_augmented/training/: Dataset with CutMix augmentation, enhancing data diversity.
Stores training history, architectural details, and metrics for each model used in the project:
EfficientNetB4/: Files related to the EfficientNetB4 architecture, including updates and fine-tuning details.
EfficientNetB4_finetuned/: Files and performance metrics for the fine-tuned EfficientNetB4 architecture.
LeNet-5/: Contains files for the LeNet-5 model and its performance metrics.
ResNet-34/: Includes files and results for the ResNet-34 model.
Detailed and well-documented Jupyter notebooks that explain each step of the project and experiments:
Human_Emotion_Detection_through_Computer_Vision_ComprehensiveGuide.ipynb: A comprehensive guide to the entire project, including methodology and key insights.
Human_Emotion_Detection_using_EfficientNetB4_fine_tuning.ipynb: Notebook detailing the fine-tuning process for the EfficientNetB4 model.
Human_Emotion_Detection_using_ResNet_Architecture.ipynb: Details the use of the ResNet architecture for emotion detection.
Human_Emotion_Detection_using_Transfer_Learning_with_EfficientNetB4.ipynb: Explains the transfer learning approach using EfficientNetB4.
Exploring VGG16/ EfficientNetB5/EfficientNetB4 for Human Emotion Detection with Grad-CAM Visualization.ipynb : For intermediate layers visualizations , Grad-CAM method , additional training for VGG16 and EfficientNetB5
Contains visualizations, metrics, and performance summaries for each model:
EfficientNetB4/: Visualizations and metrics for the EfficientNetB4 model.
EfficientNetB4_finetuned/: Results and visualizations for the fine-tuned EfficientNetB4 model.
LeNet-5/: Performance analysis and metrics for the LeNet-5 model.
ResNet-34/: Results and visualizations for the ResNet-34 model.
Auxiliary folder containing images used throughout the project, such as architecture diagrams and result visualizations.
Each model version has been packaged as a release, including detailed explanations and usage instructions.
Navigate to the relevant folder to access data, models, or notebooks.
Refer to the notebooks for detailed step-by-step explanations and implementation details.
Explore the results/ folder for performance metrics and visualizations.
This structure ensures clarity and ease of navigation for researchers and developers working on the Human Emotion Detection task.