- 👋 Hi, I’m @Beb1x
- 👀 I’m interested in automation of various services
- 🌱 I’m currently learning python , c programming language + sql cuz i like dba tbh
- i really love to modify , find & use exploits to gain advantage or simply for fun on multiple or diferent programs then make programs for other to use, usually open source, i will post them here in the near future (i dont know if it's legal still researching)
- programs im using usually : https://x64dbg.com/ , https://www.cheatengine.org/ , https://nmap.org/ , https://www.kali.org/tools/nmap/ , https://www.vmware.com/ , windows virtual machine, python, microsoft visual studio
- OS ( kali or windows [Im lazy bro] )
- in my spare time when im not playing games, i like to make malware,trojans for windows operating system , education only , if i decide to post it here it's gonna be open source and not compiled (exe or vbs)
- I'm committed to maintaining an open-source approach in all my scripts and programs
Just in case
Disclaimer Any program I make is for educational purposes only. I do not take any responsibility for any consequences that may result from the use of my programs, including but not limited to bans, attacks, arrests, or other legal or illegal activity. I do not endorse or support any illegal or unethical use of my programs. By using my programs, you agree to the following terms and conditions: You will use my programs only for educational purposes. You will not use my programs to harm anyone or anything. You will not use my programs to break any laws. I am not to be involved in any way if you violate any of these terms and conditions.