A system for calling funcions via text input (made for Unity, can be used outside)
- (optional) install UpmGitExtension package (https://github.com/mob-sakai/UpmGitExtension.git)
- install Command Sytem package (https://github.com/BarionLP/CommandSystem.git)
CommandManager.SetLogger(new UnityDebugCommandLogger()); //print logs in the unity console
// Custom Logger
public class CustomLogger : ICommandLogger
public void Log(string message) => Debug.Log(message);
public void LogWarning(string message) => Debug.LogWarning(message);
public void LogError(string message) => Debug.LogError(message);
CommandManager.Commands.Register(new SimpleCommand("test", ()->{
//Do something
//register static methods with the Command attribute
// atomatically generates syntax hints
//register command "cmd" with the methods as subcommands (e.g. "cmd add 4 2")
public class TestCommands
[Command("add")] //automatically parses primitive arguments
public static void Add(int left, int right) => CommandManager.Log($"{left} + {right} is {left+right}");
[Command("wait")] // supports async
public static async Task Test(float seconds) => await Task.Delay((int)(seconds*1000));
[Command("give")] //other objects require custom parsers (see below)
public static void GiveItem(Item item) => Player.Give(item);
//has built in parsers for most primitives (float, int, uint, short, ...) see in `ArgumentParser.cs`
ArgumentParsers.Register<CustomType>(new CustomParser()); // register a custom parser
ArgumentParsers.Register<CustomEnum>(new EnumArgumentParser<CustomEnum>()); //generates an enum parser (parses by name)
public class CustomParser : IArgumentParser<CustomType>
public CustomType Parse(ReadOnlySpan<char> raw) => //however you want, e.g. from a registry (`null` if fails)
public IEnumerable<string> GetSuggestions() => Enumerable.Empty<string>(); //or all possible values