The Rmd file 'Final_ITA_paper.Rmd' runs all the statistical analyses and produce the figures displayed in the paper: 'Coral composition and bottom-wave metrics improve understanding of the patchiness of cyclone damage on reefs'
Attached Rdata and csv files contain all the data needed to run the script.
The file Ita_cover.Rdata contains two data frames: 1)"ita_ndf", summarises the total coral cover change data per 50m-transect obtained for each surveyed reef by the AIMS monitoring program and XL Catlin Seaview Surveys after the impact of Tropical cyclone ITA in 2014 on the GBR. The file also contains the transect-level value of the final predictors used in models. 2)"df.1", describes the cover data summarised per coral category before and after ITA (see paper for details).
The file wavedata.cvs contains extra information of all wave predictors obtained by the SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore) model, including those variables that were not included in final models (see paper for details).
The file Ita_track_BOM.csv summarises the georeferenced centre location of TC Ita recorded hourly by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) which was used for mapping and estimating reef proximity to Ita track.