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Hsync is a java application aimed to transfer files from an Hadoop edge node to HDFS with an rsync behavior


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Hsync is a java application aimed to transfer files from an Hadoop edge node to HDFS.

Is behavior is similar to rsync, as it run by comparing the content of a folder on the node to the content of a folder on HDFS and then:

  • Copy file missing on HDFS

  • Replace file on HDFS if they are different.

  • Adjust rights on files on the HDFS side if relevant.

  • Optionaly, issue notification of performed action to another subsystem.

We will call the source folder the 'landing zone', as it is typically a local space where file are downloaded from an external subsystem.

Hsync never delete files, either on HDFS nor on the landing zone.

To improve performance when copying a lot of input files, Hsync is able to parallelize several file operation.


Name req? Description
--localPath yes The source path on the local node. Must be a folder.
--hdfsPath yes The target HDFS path. Must be a folder.
--principal no The Kerberos principal. Required if HDFS is secured
--keytab no Path of the corresponding keytab file. Required if HDFS is secured
--reportFile no A path to a file which will be created by Hsync to report a summary of the performed operations. May be specified several times.
--dryRun no If set, then no effective operation will be performed.
--notifier no Sink to push notification on each copied file. See below for the syntax of this parameter.
--owner no Force the owner of the copied files on HDFS. Default to the source one.
--group no Force the group of the copied files on HDFS. Default to the source one.
--fileMode no Force the permissions of the copied files on HDFS. Default to the source one.
--folderMode no Force the permissions of the created folders on HDFS. Default to the source one.
--threads no Define the number of transfert operation to perform simultaneously. Default to 1.
--clientId no An identifier which will be inserted in notification.
--exclude no An expression to exclude some files on the landing zone. May be specified several times.
--configFile no Hadoop supplementary configuration files. (xxxx-site.xml). May be specified several times.
This is advanced parameter, to be used only in some specific cases.

Wrapper script

A typical java program, it could be of great help to design a small wrapper script to ease the launch. Here is a sample.

# Pickup location of the script
MYDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"

# Warning: Setting our jar first may be important, as embeded libraries will take precedences.
MY_CLASSPATH=$MYDIR/hsync-0.1.0-uberjar:`hadoop classpath`

java -classpath  $MY_CLASSPATH ${LOG4J} com.kappaware.hsync.Main --reportFile /tmp/report.yml \
   --excludes "**/.*" --notifier "logs://info" "$@"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
	cat /tmp/report.yml

In this sample, we display a generated report file and exclude all files beginning with .. We also issue operation's notification in the logging system at INFO level.

Other parameters (At least --localPath and ``--hdfsPath`) will be provided on launch

It is of course assumed we are on an edge node configured as an Hadoop client.

For reference, here is a sample of log4j.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">
<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="">
	 <appender name="STDOUT" class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender">
    	<param name="Target" value="System.out" />
    	<layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout"><param name="ConversionPattern" value="[%d{ISO8601}] -5p %c:%L %m %n" /> </layout>
 	<logger name="com.kappaware"><level value="info"/></logger>
      <level value="info" /> 
      <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />


The --notifier parameter is a string which could be of three form:

  • logs://debug: All notifications will be logged as DEBUG level message.

  • logs://info: All notifications will be logged as INFO level message.

  • kafka://<brokers>/topic: All notification will be send to a kafka topic in json form.

kafka notification sink:

Here is an example of kafka notification parameter:

--notifier kafka://,,

The notification themself will be JSON messages.

For example a typical file transfer will first issue a message when operation is beginning:

  "clientId": "hsync", 

And another one when tranfer is completed and file ready:

  "owner":"hdfs", "group":"hadoop", 

Of course, in most cases, only the second message will be used.

You can find a complete description of notification message here


Hsync is a java application aimed to transfer files from an Hadoop edge node to HDFS with an rsync behavior







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