scientific stratosphere balloon with live measurements and video stream
This entire project is well documented! Get started reading ...
If you already know what you are looking for, we have some shortcuts for you:
- General Documentation
Balloon | Ground | Cloud | Communication - Usage Guides
Hardware Guide | Software Guide
- adc responsible for the UV and methane sensors
- cammanager coordinating camera operation and system status
- climate sensor measuring temperature, humidity and pressure (+ estimated altitude)
- co2 sensor for CO₂ and VOC
- datamanager collecting all sensor data and sending it via APRS and WiFi
- gps sensor tracking location and altitude
- magnet sensor monitoring some magnetic activity
- spectral sensor checking the intensity of different IR wavelengths
- system monitoring system metrics
- thermal camera capturing thermal images of the interior
- webcam implementing camera photos, videos and livestreaming
- thermalrenderer fetching pixel data from InfluxDB and rendering a thermal image to storage box (dockerhub)
- spotcollector reading the newest GPS data from the SPOT API and sending it to InfluxDB (dockerhub)
- streammanager API controlling the state of the stream and communicating with Stream Elements (dockerhub)
- console is the Mission Control Console
- aprsreceiver running on the APRS ground antenna station to receive data and save it to InfluxDB
- utils are python modules with handy utilities to be imported
- resources
- diagrams documentation diagram related stuff
- grafana holds all dashboard configurations for Grafana
- images hosts various images for the repository and documentation
- streamelements holds custom widgets and their assets for Stream Elements
- tests contains various tests throughout the development
- templates are the default configuration and example module
- tools is a mix of scripts to manage the repository instance on board
- setups the repository environment on board
- clears all data and initialize new storage directories
-,, change module service execution state respectively
-, change module service autostart configuration respectively
- uninstalls the repository environment on board
- shows the logs of all module services one after another
- is a guided script to backup all data to an USB stick
- backup.bat is a guided script to be run on Windows to backup all data via SSH over WiFi