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Reference Forms and Reference Submissions

Martin De Wulf edited this page Feb 27, 2024 · 3 revisions

To activate the feature

The account that you are using must have the SHOW_LINK_INSTANCE_REFERENCE feature activated. You can add that through the admin (in the middle term, this should become a module).

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You then need to set up which forms are the reference forms for an org unit type. It's done here:

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Where is the feature?

In the list of submissions of a form that is a reference form


In the detail of a submission for a form that is a reference form

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In the detail of an org unit that has reference submissions linked

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On mobile

With a version released after mid January 2024 and the correct feature flags activated for the mobile app: CleanShot 2024-01-09 at 13 14 59@2x

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Automatic creation of change request on upload of a submission for the reference form

You have to set the field change_request_mode to CR_MODE_IF_REFERENCE_FORM on a form to turn on automatic creation of a change request on upload of a submission for that reference form.

This is best used in microplanning settings, where submissions from the planning can then create change requests that are then subject to validation and possibly payments