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Quentin Delhaye edited this page May 9, 2018 · 11 revisions

This is how you create and manage a schematics.

Create a new schematic

File > New > Schematic

Then drag the file to your project source documents.

Add a new library

In the right and menu: Libraries > Libraries... > Add Library... (in the Project tab) then select the correct .IntLib file.

Add a complex package containing several sub-components

Double-click on the package in the library, then each successive left click will place the next sub-component in the package.

Name the components

Whenever you see a ...?..., it needs to be named. You got two ways to do so:

  1. The simple way: Tools > Annotate Schematics Quietly...

  2. The hard way: Tools > Annotate Schematics... > Update Changes List > Accept Changes (Create ECO) > Execute Changes

Add basic components

In the Miscellaneous Devices library, you can find all the most basic components:

  • Capacitor: Cap
  • Resistor: Res1
  • 2-pins Header: Header 2
  • 3-pins Header: Header 3

In Miscellaneous Connectors:

  • Test point: Socket

In the toolbar, you can find:

  • Ground: ground
  • Supply voltage: vcc

After adding the supply voltage connector to the design, it is wise to change its name to VDD or VSS.

The potentiometer can be found in the ELECH402 library, under the name Rpot

Ignore an unconnected node

Sometimes, it may happen that you don't want the design tool to complain about an unconnected node during the DRC. You can do so by marking said node using the no-erc in the toolbar. It may also be useful to connect two occurrences of the same node to a single net, like the substrate of MSOFETs in the same package.


While holding a component with the left click, x and y flips the component, and space rotates it.

Move a component with its cables

CTRL + left click

Easily switch transistors in a package

To help routing, you may want to switch transistors in the same package.

Select a transistor, then right click and select properties. In the top left Properties area, you can use the < and > arrows to change the part of the component in the package.

Beware that it does not change the other parts in the package, so make sure that you do not have the same sub-component twice.

If you already have a PCB linked to the project, you can import those changes via Design > Import Changes from <your project>. Then, only select the changes you want to import.