Parameterizable graph-building from images for pytorch with PyG.
The purpose of this package is to provide a fast and customizable way to build graphs from images over-segmented into superpixel so that they can be used as input for Graph Neural Networks in a highly parameterizable manner.
It comprises the following components:
- transforms: containing torchvision like composable transforms
- datasets: as optimized as possible adaptations of torchvision datasets into PyG datasets
When building graphs, it is possible to choose:
- Segmentation method: we currently support SLIC superpixel segmentation from Achanta et al.: SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-Art Superpixel Methods. In it's original (SLIC) and zero-parameter variants (SLIC0). The number of desired superpixels and compactness (smothness factor, when using the original SLIC) can be configured.
- Graph edge-building methods: when building a graph from a superpixel segmented image, each superpixel is a node. The edges between nodes can be built by connecting adjacent regions (RAG) or connecting the K Nearest-Neighboors using spatial distance or a combined spatial (SPATIAL_KNN) a color distance (FEATURE_KNN).
- Features: we support the computing of the following features for each node/superpixel using it's color and geometric information:
- Average color
- Color standard deviation
- Average color in HSV space
- HSV color standard deviation
- Geometric centroid
- Standard deviation from centroid
- Number of pixels
For greyscale datasets
import torch
import torchvision
import torchvision.datasets as datasets
import superpixel_graphs.transforms as T
ds = datasets.MNIST(root='mnist/', download=True, transform=T.ToSuperpixelGraphGreyscale())
For color datasets
import torch
import torchvision
import torchvision.datasets as datasets
import superpixel_graphs.transforms as T
ds = datasets.CIFAR10(root='cifar/', transform=T.ToSuperpixelGraphColor())
Transforms are also available in functional forms in superpixel_graphs.transform.functional
as to_superpixel_graph_greyscale
and to_superpixel_graph_color
from superpixel_graphs.datasets import SuperPixelGraphMNIST
ds = SuperPixelGraphMNIST(root=None,
Currently suported datasets are:
- SuperPixelGraphMNIST
- SuperPixelGraphFashionMNIST
- SuperPixelGraphCIFAR10
- SuperPixelGraphCIFAR100
- SuperPixelGraphSTL10
Also available are two base classes that can be extended to create new superpixel datasets
- ColorSLIC
- GreyscaleSLIC
This package is available on Linux. You can install it with pip:
pip install superpixel_graphs@git+
This package uses a OpenCV C++ extension for image segmentation and feature computation. Here is how to install OpenCV for Linux
Naturally, pytorch and torchvision and PyG are also required.